Kriterien für die Investitionsbewertung


Die Bewertung einer Investition umfasst drei Schritte:

• Schätzung der Cashflows

• Schätzung der erforderlichen Rendite (der Kapitaleinsatz)

• Anwendung einer Entscheidungsregel als Entscheidungsregel für die Auswahl


Die Anlageentscheidungsregeln können als Kapitalbudgetierungstechniken oder Anlagekriterien bezeichnet werden. Um den wirtschaftlichen Wert eines Investitionsprojekts zu messen, sollte eine solide Bewertungsmethode verwendet werden. Die wesentliche Eigenschaft einer soliden Technik besteht darin, das Vermögen der Aktionäre zu maximieren. Folgende weitere Eigenschaften sollte ein solides Bewertungskriterium für Investitionen mitbringen:

• Es sollte alle Cashflows berücksichtigen, um die wahre Rentabilität des Projekts zu bestimmen.

• Es sollte eine objektive und eindeutige Möglichkeit bieten, gute Projekte von schlechten Projekten zu trennen.

• Es sollte helfen, Projekte nach ihrer wahren Rentabilität einzuordnen.

• Es sollte der Tatsache Rechnung getragen werden, dass größere Cashflows kleineren vorzuziehen sind und frühe Cashflows späteren vorzuziehen sind.

• Es sollte helfen, unter sich gegenseitig ausschließenden Projekten dasjenige auszuwählen, das das Vermögen der Aktionäre maximiert.

• Es sollte ein Kriterium sein, das auf jedes denkbare Investitionsvorhaben unabhängig von anderen anwendbar ist.

Diese Bedingungen werden geklärt, wenn wir in den folgenden Beiträgen die Merkmale verschiedener Anlagekriterien diskutieren.

Kriterien für die Investitionsbewertung

Eine Reihe von Investitionsbewertungskriterien oder Kapitalbudgetierungstechniken sind in der Praxis gebräuchlich. Sie lassen sich in die folgenden zwei Kategorien einteilen:

1. Kriterien für den abgezinsten Cashflow

• Barwert

• Interne Rendite

• Rentabilitätsindex (PI)

2. Kriterien für nicht diskontierten Cashflow

• Amortisationszeit

• Abrechnungsrendite

• Vergünstigte Amortisationszeit

Discounted Payback ist eine Variante der Payback-Methode. Es handelt sich um eine diskontierte Methode, aber es ist kein echtes Maß für die Rentabilität der Investition. Wir werden in unseren folgenden Beiträgen zeigen, dass das Kapitalwertkriterium die gültigste Methode zur Bewertung eines Investitionsprojekts ist. Es steht im Einklang mit dem Ziel, das Vermögen der Aktionäre zu maximieren.


Source by Randika Lalith Abeysinghe

Retirement provision in the 21st century


Should You Retire?

There are many reasons to stay in the job. Maybe you have an emotional bond with your office chair, or maybe you think your work is just too important to be left behind.

The truth is that there are many reasons to quit a job and just as many reasons not to quit. For most people, a 30-year career is enough. But is early retirement realistic for you? Let’s take a look at a few things.

When you are 50, the government says you will live for about 33 years (that’s what the Social Security actuarial tables show). This 33-year retirement can be longer than your entire professional career.

Life expectancy increases by leaps and bounds with the advancement of medicine and technology, and you should be thinking about a 40-year retirement. Maybe you should ask another question. Should you withdraw from the start?

Rising costs and political uncertainty leave many people wondering about the future. For that reason alone, figuring out how to finance a successful retirement and get the most out of what we have is hugely important.

What will retirement cost?

Besides travel, golf, fishing and macrame courses, what else would you like on the program? How much will your retirement cost? Will you have enough income to do anything? If you’re still saving for retirement, how much more does it take on each paycheck to raise that much money? Good question! Let’s get the answer!

One thing I didn’t think about was inflation and how much that stuff is going to cost in 15 or 20 years. If you look 20 years into the future, you can bet that what looks like a good annual income now will surely have to be bigger to buy the same things as it is today. Inflation can have an impact on how far your money flows.

But what will inflation be like over the years? Any number you come up with is likely good enough to get you through your first year of retirement. We can estimate how high inflation will be and what effect it will have in the 40 years after that.

Where to retire

Where will you live With a little luck, the mortgage will be paid off so that you only have to worry about property taxes and maintenance when you live. Perhaps in a warmer climate you can sell out and downsize to a smaller location. Sure, at 70 you have to shovel snow, even if it’s further away from family and friends. In addition, you don’t see the children that often anymore and they can come to visit at any time.

You should probably also think about insurance. You are currently likely to be covered by disability, life and health insurance under group policies. In fact, your employer is likely to sponsor part or perhaps all of the premium for this wonderful insurance policy.

When you retire, you could lose this insurance coverage. Then what happens to your spouse and family when you are ruthless enough to die at a young age? How do you pay for a serious illness or hospitalization and all of the doctor’s bills if you (heaven forbid) become permanently unable to work?

You can probably forget about getting government help. You are far too young to apply for either Social Security or Medicare. And even if you qualify, might government support not cover a survivor and all medical bills? If so, what are your alternatives? What about the maintenance costs if necessary?

You’re probably thinking, “Hmmm, maybe I should have a few more kids to support me in old age.” Don’t worry, you don’t need any more children. But you may not be able to quit your job. I’m just kidding about it. I am sure that you can retire at any age without adding to the population or being tied to a desk.


Source by Marshall Crum

How does cryptocurrency gain in value?


Cryptocurrencies are the newest “big thing” in the digital world and have now been recognized as part of the monetary system. In fact, enthusiasts have referred to it as “the revolution of money”.

Cryptocurrencies are clearly decentralized digital assets that can be exchanged between users without the need for a central authority, most of which are created by special computing techniques known as “mining”.

The legal tender of currencies such as the US dollar, the British pound and the euro is because they were issued by a central bank; However, digital currencies such as cryptocurrencies do not rely on the public’s trust in the issuer. Hence, several factors determine its value.

Factors that determine the value of cryptocurrencies

Free market principles (mainly supply and demand)

Supply and demand are an important determinant of the value of any item of value, including cryptocurrencies. This is because the price of that particular cryptocurrency will go up as more people are willing to buy one cryptocurrency and sell others, and vice versa.

Mass adoption

The mass adoption of any cryptocurrency can skyrocket its price. This is because the supply of many cryptocurrencies is limited to a certain limit and, according to economic principles, an increase in demand without a corresponding increase in supply leads to an increase in the price of this particular commodity.

Several cryptocurrencies have invested more resources to ensure their mass adoption, with some focusing on the applicability of their cryptocurrency to urgent problems of personal life as well as critical everyday cases to make them indispensable in everyday life.

Fiat inflation

When a fiat currency such as the USD or GBP is inflated, its price increases and its purchasing power decreases. This will then cause cryptocurrencies (let’s take Bitcoin as an example) to rise in relation to that fiat. The result is that you can get more of that fiat with every bitcoin. In fact, this situation was one of the main reasons why Bitcoin went up in price.

Fraud and Cyber ​​Attack History

Scams and hacks are also central factors influencing the value of cryptocurrencies, as they are known to cause sharp fluctuations in valuations. In some cases, the team that supports a cryptocurrency may be the scammers; They will pump the price of the cryptocurrency to attract unsuspecting people and when their hard earned money is invested the price will be cut by the scammers who will then disappear without a trace.

It is therefore imperative to beware of cryptocurrency scams before investing your money.

Some other factors to consider that affect the value of cryptocurrencies are:

  • The way in which the cryptocurrency is stored, as well as its usefulness, security, ease of acquisition and cross-border acceptance

  • Strength of the community that supports the cryptocurrency (this includes funding, innovation and the loyalty of its members)

  • Low cryptocurrency related risks as perceived by investors and users

  • News mood

  • Market liquidity and volatility of the cryptocurrency

  • Country regulations (including the ban on cryptocurrency and ICOs in China and their recognition as legal tender in Japan)


Source by Anthony Stark

This is how day trading works, according to specialists


Day trading is the trading of a specific economic instrument, generally a specific bid or bid rate, within the same day. Because of the volatility in the stock market and the forex markets, these are the two most suitable markets for day trading. Forex trading is used to generate profits on a short term basis when done efficiently.

How forex trading works according to professionals

While the basics of day trading may seem straightforward at first, just buy an offer and sell it the same day when the cost increases. In truth, over 90% of capitalists who start this type of trade lose money and eventually quit.

Most specialists don’t take the long and arduous journey of a permanent investment. You have acquired the best knowledge and through experience have developed suggestions, methods and strategies to be effective in day trading. In this area we will certainly explain the basics of how day trading works from the point of view of specialists. In this way, you benefit from valuable material with which you would certainly have brought years forward alone.

The first thing you need to be successful in day trading is to be in control of your emotions. If you are spending money that you earmarked for important things like educating your children, you are ignoring it. The more you focus on money, the more opportunities you have of making psychological and unexpected decisions in this market. Because of this, in order for forex trading to benefit you, you need to keep your cool headed. The first thing professionals have is a strategy related to how many trades they make in a given day, how much they can afford to lose, and exit methods in effective and unsuccessful professions. Because of this, they are called experts, know the variables surrounding their trading sessions, and have a plan of action for any circumstance that may arise in the exchange.

Experts recognize the math of day trading, which can be summed up in the fact that you must beat your losses with your profits plus a margin. In a less complex way, if you are spending $ 100 and the stock is also down $ 15, it means that a given stock is down 15%. If the stock is now at $ 85, it would surely have to rise more than 17% to hit $ 100 again. This is not an absolutely unpaid video game. For every loss you have you must exceed the percentage of your loss in order to get your money back. You can stay one step ahead of the game by using an ideal stop / limit ratio in all of your professions.

Daily professionals don’t act every day. In fact, they are waiting for the opportunities that are particularly likely to win in the end. This also requires psychological control. Indeed, this is their secret. They will only act when they see that their probability of winning is certainly at least 2.5 times higher than their probability of losing.

Benefits of day trading

· You can have cash almost every day when you make profits instead of waiting for years as some trading approaches suggest.

If you have less than $ 8,350 in revenue from day trading, you are exhausted with a lower price than the normal sales tax rate.

· It allows you to trade faster as you will be making multiple trades on any given day instead of the usual 1 or even more trades per month in long term trading

· It is a temporary emotional boost for successful investors.

Patrick Sekhoto will surely help you develop your own assistance and resistance trading system.

You will surely learn every little thing you need to know that will surely help you change your trading fortune for the better.


Source by Paul Rice

Stock Investing Tips for Beginners – Make informed investment decisions


Many of my investment strategies are derived from fundamental investing and value investing. I use strategies similar to Warren Buffett’s, not just because he’s a well-known investor, but because they make the most sense to me.

This is the key to successful equity investing. Don’t listen to someone just because you think they have more stock investing experience than you. Instead, try to do your own thought and analysis and read more before deciding which strategy will work best for you. Once you have developed your own investment philosophy, stick with it and only trust yourself.

My investment philosophy

1. Don’t lose money.

As many people already know, Warren Buffett humorously set out his two rules for investing in stocks, where rule number 1 is “Never Lose Money” while Rule number 2 is “Forget Rule number 1”.

Preserving capital is important because a stock that has lost half its value must double in value before you can go back to where you started. Because of this, you need to be extremely careful when choosing stocks and that brings us to rule number 2.

2. Have a margin of safety

The margin of safety, in simple terms, is a buffer that you place between what you perceive to be the value of the stock and its price. If you value a stock at $ 1 and only buy it when its price is 50 cents, your margin of safety is 50 percent.

Deciding how much margin of safety to put on a stock varies for companies in different industries and is another topic in itself.

In summary, a margin of safety is required to protect your capital in the event that you were mistaken in your initial assessment of a stock pick. That way, even if you were wrong, you would have bought the stock at a much lower price than if you hadn’t taken into account a margin of safety.

3. Invest for the long term

There is no way to time the market, but a lot of people seem to think differently. They buy when the stock falls easily and hopes they can sell it for a profit in the near future. These people usually follow a “hit-and-run” strategy in which they are content with making a few hundred dollars every time they make a trade. They also have a cut-loss strategy where they exit the market if the price falls below a certain amount within days of buying the stock.

The truth about the stock market is that real money is made in a few days. If you get in and out of the market frequently, there is a chance that during the few days of a real price rally you will not be in the market and thus miss out on profits.

If you invest long-term, you also save commissions to the broker, capital gains taxes and put the compounding power into play. The difference between trading in the market and buying in the long run is significant and shouldn’t be ignored.

4. Know when to sell and when not to sell

Even if I advocate investing for the long term, that doesn’t mean that I will hold on to my investments forever. When I rate a stock, I already have in mind how much the stock is worth and therefore already have an exit price in mind. The purpose of value investing is to buy this stock at a significant discount from its value.

However, there may be times when the market is euphoric and the price of the stock rises well above my value. At this point, I’ll be re-evaluating the company to see if I’ve left out any important news or factors that could be responsible for the price hike. If my view of the company remains the same, I’ll sell the stock because there’s no reason not to take advantage of the madness of the market.

It is important not to be greedy at this point and keep increasing the exit price you set. Have an exit price and stick to it.

The reverse is also true. Most people panic and sell when the price drops and that doesn’t make any sense. If a stock’s price falls, check the fundamentals again. If nothing has changed, your appreciation should be the same, and that means the stock has an even bigger discount than what you bought at before. If so, take the opportunity to buy more of this stock.

5. Have cash with you when there are no good stocks to buy

There are many reasons to hold onto cash when there aren’t any good stocks to buy. Many people find it difficult to do that. The moment they have some cash in hand they want to buy some stocks because if they don’t they feel like they are not in the market and therefore not “investing”.

If you have cash with you, you can also benefit from sudden price declines due to some market fluctuations that are not due to a change in company fundamentals. In these cases, consider reducing the average and buying more of that stock. The worst that can happen to you is that on a purchase that offers a bigger discount now than before, you will run out of cash because you will always have to keep all of your money in the market to “feel like you are.” invest”.


Investing isn’t just about buying stocks. The homework and preparation in identifying the stock to buy are the real key to successful stock picking. Many people spend a lot of time checking the prices of the stocks they have bought several times a day. This time is better spent researching the company and its business. Ultimately, checking the price of a stock several times a day has no impact on the price and fundamentals of the company. But I’m sure a lot of people are to blame for this, as I can see so clearly in my work place where everyone has opened a little window to check stock prices every now and then.


Source by Jax Woon