Tag Archives: Market

Forex Bulletproof Robot – Capable of Re-adjusting to The Changing Market Conditions.

Forex BulletProof has been engineered to preserve, secure and then increase your capital for years to come, no matter if the political or financial world situation changes…

Crisis proof. – the robot is capable of re-adjusting to the changing market conditions. Should the market suddenly become too volatile (and therefore, too risky to trade), the volatility filter will intervene and take the robot to an early exit. The bot also adjusts automatically to the conditions of a specific brokerage, being compatible with both the instant execution brokers and the market execution ones.

Low Initial Investment Required. – The current minimum to start trading with the robot on the EUR/USD pair is as low as $450. Only if the user wishes to trade on both EUR/USD and USD/JPY, will he/she need to have a minimum of $4,000 in the trading account. Yet most profits are generated on EUR/USD, so a minimum of $450 will be perfectly sufficient.

Important: If somebody tells you that you can trade a forex robot with $100 or even $50, he is full of B.S. because he’s after your hard-earned money. Of course, you CAN technically trade even with as low as 1 buck, but it will result in an instant margin call and put you out of business faster than you can hit the stop trading button. $450 here means that you can safely increase your capital and that all security filters have enough room to kick into action to preserve your money and your gains.

Easy setup. – Forex BulletProof is an easy to utilize “set and forget” robot. No complex lists of settings to be entered, no multitude of files to be placed into various folders, no need to watch the robot during its trading. Even completely inexperienced computer users can successfully set up this bot on their computer or VPS and have it trade for them!

No liquidity issues. – Forex BulletProof trades DURING the market hours and not between them, like many other Forex robots. This aspect ensures sufficient liquidity at all times, no matter what the situation on the market is and how many people are using the robot. The liquidity during the forex market hours totals in the trillions of dollars. Therefore, even if we had millions of people using the bot at the same time, it would not affect the currency market in any way (especially, if your broker is STP).

No margin calls! – The seldom drawbacks in the process of trading are minuscule and quickly recovered because the robot will NEVER produce a margin call. If things in the market get out of hand or a strong unexpected trend suddenly emerges, the subsequent trades in the robot’s trading cycle will re-hedge the initial ones and the cycle will be closed immediately.

Careful & and safe trading environment. – The robot’s trading hours and days are carefully selected based on the time zone differences between the closing and opening times of stock exchanges in different parts of the world.

Foreign Exchange Market At a Glance

In a general sense foreign exchange means a market place which deals with exchange of different currencies. It plays a great role to the customers and traders by providing the opportunity of exchange currencies all over the world. It is nothing but buying and selling of foreign currencies with the fluctuation of market price.

Almost everyone is familiar with foreign exchange because of the foreign exchange rate. But the rate is not always remain the same. Sometimes is increases, sometimes decreases. People who are travelers foreign exchange is must for them. The rate depends on money inflation and geopolitical condition. Foreign exchange rate is the rat at which a specific currency can be exchanged for get another currency. Currency trading market is the only market which goes with the clock and on weekends.

In the age of globalization currency trading plays a vital role in international business. So it is very needful to the traders. Every currency is related to other and every currency has a value to another. Currency trading deals with purchase and sell of huge quantities of currency to cause a change in relative value that world result in profit. Just like foreign exchange rates the relative value of currency is also in constant position of flux. Real market is the first reason that works behind it. When foreign investors want to deal something within a country they have no choice but to exchange their domestic currencies into the currency of the country they are in. This occurs also to the visitors of travelers. The second reason is speculation. When investors think a specific currency will perform strongly or weakly they will buy of sell the currencies depending on their prediction. The thing not only highly affects the national currency buy also the economy of a country. Nowadays foreign exchange offers opportunity to the small investors and traders.

Internet and many online courses as well as on DVD videos and hard cover books there are a marvelous many resources available to the individual investor and small traders to help them to be currency traders and earn incomes.

A market dominated by a few financial network in contrary to stock markets. Which have a definite geographical location, the market for changes knows no border there is one foreign exchange market in the whole world. This is an economic organization without proper regulation. It is self organized by public and private intervenient

There are three groups of agents operate in the currency trading market. The first group is the companies fund managers and the individuals. Monetary authorities the second group and the third group consist of banks and brokers that provide daily dealings of the market

Apple Maintains Dominance of Mobile Application Store Market in 2010

Despite the flood of so-called “iPhone killers” entering the market in 2010, Apple Inc. largely maintained its dominance of the global mobile application store market for the year, IHS Screen Digest research shows.

The Apple App Store in 2010 generated $1.8 billion in revenue, giving it 82.7% share of the total market, down from 92.8% in 2009. Revenue for the Apple App Store rose 131.9% from $768.7 billion in 2009.

Global revenue for the total mobile industry store market in 2010 increased by 160.2% to $2.2 billion, up from $828 million in 2009.

“In 2010, competitors managed to close the gap with Apple’s iPhone in terms of providing smart phone products with compelling user interfaces,” said Jack Kent, analyst, mobile media, for iSuppli. “However, in terms of mobile application stores, Apple remains far ahead of the competition, with the other stores so far unable to replicate Apple’s success in generating revenue from users. Apple, in contrast, has been able to maintain advantage by leveraging its tightly controlled ecosystem combining hardware and content with the capability to offer consumers a trusted, integrated and simple billing service via iTunes.”

The Apple App Store in 2010 also benefitted from the introduction of the iPad. While the iPad’s installed base in 2010 was small compared to the iPhone teardown. iPad apps cost more than iPhone apps, giving them a disproportionate impact on Apple’s revenue. By 2014, about 50% of Apple App Store revenues in the United States will be generated by iPad users, up from less than 20% in 2010.

Apple’s competitors, despite their struggles, managed to make some market share inroads in 2010.

Google’s Android Market made the most dramatic advance, with revenue soaring 861.5% for the year. This allowed Android Market to take 4.7% share of global mobile application store revenue in 2010, up from 1.3% in 2009. The company came within a hair’s breadth of displacing the Nokia’s Ovi Store to take the No. 3 rank in the market.

As competitors refine their stores, they will continue to eat into Apple’s dominant share. However, Apple is expected to retain more than half of market revenue at least through 2014.

Nokia’s OVI Store posted the second strongest growth in 2010, with revenue rising by 719.4%, giving it 4.9% share of the application market business, up from 1.5% in 2009. Research In Motion’s BlackBerry App World retained its No. 2 rank with 360.3% growth. The company’s share increased to 7.7% in 2010.

Following massive growth in 2010, the global mobile applications market will continue to expand in 2011. Revenue is expected to rise by another 81.5% in 2011 to hit $3.9 billion.

A key driver of growth is the “freemium” business model, wherein a basic application is offered free of charge but fees are charged for premium features.

“As application stores become more and more crowded, with hundreds of thousands of apps available on the leading stores, developers increasingly are opting to release their content for free. They do this in the hope that they can monetize their apps by offering additional content or functionality via in-app purchases and advertising,” opines Jack Kent, Analyst, Mobile Media for Screen Digest, now owned by iSuppli, IHS.

Tips to choose the best Outdoor Market Umbrella

Market umbrellas are indeed similar to patio umbrellas except that they come without valances around the circumference. The absence of valances makes market umbrellas look more elegant and user-friendly. For these and other reasons, market umbrellas are the preferred choice of many commercial establishments.

It is worthwhile to study some tips to select the best market umbrellas:

  • Select market umbrellas that are Scotch guarded or made of water-proof and stain-resistant materials.
  • Make sure the frames are of high quality; particularly because these umbrellas are subject to a lot of rough handling and likely to be exposed to monsoon rains and gales. Most market umbrella frames are made from wood, fiberglass or metal.
  • Ensure the umbrellas come with good wind vents at the top to facilitate air circulation and also keep the umbrella stable and well-grounded.
  • Try to choose an umbrella that does not fade easily and ensure it is made of special sun-resistant fabric for long life. Market umbrellas can be expensive and you should be able to protect the investment.
  • Buy market umbrellas only from reliable supplier that offers a warranty. You can never know how a market umbrella performs until you test it in real-life conditions.
  • Test the lift mechanism to make sure it functions smoothly. Some market umbrellas may have pulley systems that are tough to operate. You should buy an umbrella that moves up and down with little or no effort.
  • Ascertain whether you need to buy a separate base as some umbrellas do not include a base. Remember umbrella bases can be very costly and so make sure that you pay within your budget limit.
  • Finally, aesthetics is very important. Check if the color of the market umbrella harmonizes well with the colors of your outdoor furniture. Alternatively, you could buy a bright color market umbrella to provide a contrast to the existing color scheme.

It is very important that you buy the market umbrella of the right size. The shade diameter of an umbrella is what decides how much shade you will obtain. Once you have ascertained the area you wish to provide shade, the standard rule is the umbrella must be at least 4 to 5 feet larger than the diameter of the area to be shaded.

If you plan installing the market umbrella in commercial areas or high traffic zones, it is advisable to buy umbrellas with the minimum moving parts. It is critical that all market umbrellas you buy are of right weight so as to prevent them from tipping over due to top heaviness. The proper weight for your umbrella base or stand depends on the size of your umbrella and whether it is to be installed through a table or freestanding.

The question most often asked is – How long will my market umbrella be serviceable. The answer is simple; it will last a long time if you care to maintain it well. Use the market umbrella when in need and safely store it away at other times – if you want several years of satisfactory service. If you neglect the umbrella and leave it all the time in the open, you may as well be required to buy a new umbrella every year.

Online Market Research Firms Have Gained a Lot of Precedence

Online market research firms have evolved with time as the need to understand existing and emerging markets has risen alike. Lots of complex factors involved with markets require intricate understanding and decoding, something only online market research firms are competent at handling. This is perhaps the gravest reason why organizations outsource market research, for they know the service is pristine, immaculate and precise.

Outsource market research involves brand name research, branding studies, product development research, concept testing, customer satisfaction research and pricing research. The vendors doing this use state of the art methods and techniques for data collection. Also, they involve advanced market research suppliers for server side implementation of online phone and mail survey related assignments.

Online market research firms are resourceful enough to deploy a variety of outsource market research methodologies. They are good at reading and deciphering MR surveys and implement that acquired knowledge whilst doing a lot of branding research, customer satisfaction, concept testing, new product research, positioning studies, pricing research and advertising research. Their repository of research tools and methodologies are a robust mainstream manner of data assimilation, both quantitative and qualitative.

Online market research firms are good at finding out how highly is the target population involved in a given scheme of things. They identify sample frames effortlessly, and produce sample lists of pristine quality. Their results are always good with the focus in them being pretty tight. They cover multiple worldwide geographies, a varied range of complicated questionnaires and bring their rich experience to deal with advertising copies, concept statements, photographs etc.

Organizations like to outsource market research for the advanced tools that MR firms use in their research. They are very fidgety about the use of technology for they believe in lapse in the same might cost their clients badly.

Data analytics, verbatim analysis, tabulations, coding, data recording, reclassification, quality control, logic checking, quick survey taking, flat liners, verbatim cleaning, monitoring, regulating survey results, quota management, dashboard reporting, web reporting, presentations, media tracking, data management, database standardization, database maintenance and updating, data mining and market research panel cleaning are some of the many widely used instruments in MR.

Then there are a lot of other factors involved in the ordeal as well. Money is a big factor that often ends up being game changer. When an organization decides to outsource market research, it invariably ends up saving a lot of money. Online market research firms are known to charge considerably lesser than what other usually would, and hence they get all these assignments in large numbers.

Their work remains faultless. With all the latest tools and techniques they are equipped with, the research reports are bound to exude that excellence. Also, they are professionals whose forte is market research. So comparing them with fly by night operators claiming to be good at market research is a futile thought.

The reasons mentioned above have ensured with time these firms have gained a lot of precedence and get heralded very highly across the world. They get the work and they deliver without flinching for even a second.