Australian Forex Market Hours – Time To Invest In Forex

Australian Forex Market Hours

The recent Australian stock market crash is the most prolific since the crash of October 1997. For many this devastating news, however it presents an unbelievable opportunity in terms of investing in forex. Sure you could ‘see out the cycle’, but maybe it is time to discover the clear benefits and advantages of investing in foreign exchange as opposed to the stock market.

Why Forex Beats Stock

Forex or foreign exchange is truly a 24 hour market – there is always activity and it not dependent on 1 main location – as the stock exchange is with the NYE. The forex market is not locked into the bull vs bear mentality as is the case with the stock market- this recent crash is a glowing example of the ‘bear’ as investor’s were reacting to the US sub prime crisis. In foreign exchange one currency is traded for another- so there is always a currency which is profitable to invest in. Further to this rises of interest rates have little effect on the FX market- if anything they tend to strengthen a currency.

The major reason why forex is more profitable than stock is because of the limited amount of units there are to invest in. On the New York Stock Exchange for example there are approximately 8000 stock issues. In foreign exchange there are 4 main currencies and 32 second tier currencies. This makes it much simpler to predict and invest based on trends and statistical data. Australian Forex Market Hours

How To Profit From Forex

Firstly it is advisable to favour medium term trades – these have been shown to be consistently more profitable As Justin Kuepper, regular contributor to suggests choosing a medium term trade will “help you save money and ultimately become a profitable retail forex trader”. The general idea is to make small wins and no losses as opposed to large wins and large losses.

Secondly it is important to be able to predict trends and minimize risk. There are various forex trading software options which will help you devise your strategy with the minimum amount of risk- this will help you develop your own forex killer system.

Finally you need to know when to act upon a trend with precise timing so that you can further maximize profit and minimize risk.


The recent Australian stock market crash is bad news, however it further back the argument that forex trading is more profitable and stable than stock. Perhaps you should consider investing in foreign exchange sooner rather than later- who know when the next crash will be due. Australian Forex Market Hours

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