You should make sure the data transfer is fast and not delayed. Your internet should be high speed and connect directly to the forex broker’s charts and trading platforms. You can experience slow trading when the volume is high by using a broker that is based outside the United States. Traders should not use a dial up connection if you are trying to daytrade the currency markets. Forex brokers need to have tight spreads and not slip during high trading times.
If you are trading in the USA you should find a currency broker that is from the United States. There are several good forex brokers you can choose from including Oanda which is located in Canada that have fast and reliable trading software. These FX broker will have charts and software that run off their own servers. After you sign up with them you will be give access to your account and trading platforms. Some forex brokers will have client based systems that you download directly to your own computer. Remember if you choose to use a client based trading platform you will only be able to use it when you are trading from your own computer. If you are use the brokers server you can trade form any where. A great advantage of using their software is that it is encrypted and not as vulnerable to attack. The broker’s servers are kept in a secure data system with each account backed up in an outside data system to keep your account protected. Your forex broker should proved you with charting systems that you can trade directly from the charts this will eliminate any delay in processing your currency trades. Many top brokers will provide up to the minute news that is occurring in the forex markets around the world.
Best Forex Brokers