Forex Tutorial Currency Trading Summary – Forex Tutorial and Guide For Beginners

Forex Tutorial Currency Trading Summary

In 2003 when I started trading Forex, I was naive, inexperienced and totally gullible to the directions of the self acclaimed Forex experts. Just like everybody who was new to the market, I was told that I had to Open a new forex account with any ‘good’ Forex broker, do demo Forex trading for at least three to six months before trading with live money. I was also advised that in order to be in a safer position, I should probably consider hiring the expert services of Forex professionals who would do the job of trading for a percentage of the accrued profit while all I scoop the rest to my bank account! These advices all sounded promising and simple as ABC. I guess I made the mistake of not wondering why there aren’t much Forex millionaires around if indeed making money via Forex trading was that simple.

About four months later I decided I was going to trade live soon but the fear of losing made me hire the services of two separate experienced Forex traders to at least take care of my initial capital while I do same later. For the next six weeks I kept seeing certain fluctuations in my Forex account with my capital going up and going down at irregular intervals, of course my ‘experienced traders’ provided ‘expert’ excuses for the instability, blaming certain market forces and of course promising me that all was well and that there was no cause for alarm as they have always weathered every market storm. This trend continued until I lost my capital almost a year later. These guys were discovered to have several other Forex accounts they manage, this means that they can never really give each of the Forex accounts under their purview the proper attention they deserve during Forex trades. Forex Tutorial Currency Trading Summary

Experience they say is the best teacher. I also consented to the use of Forex Robots but the results over time were equally not acceptably overwhelming. At the end, I had spent over eighteen months trying to figure out exactly what works and what doesn’t. This is a process I wouldn’t advise anyone to go through especially when one doesn’t have much capital to carry out such expensive experiments. I finally summoned the courage and decided to trade Forex on my own, and not until after I took this bold step did I learn a lot about making a decent living trading Forex on a full time scale. Forex Tutorial Currency Trading Summary

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