Nz Financial Fx Trader – Forex Trading Primer

Nz Financial Fx Trader

Forex trading involves transactions that occur in the foreign exchange market, which is also referred to as the fx, currency or forex market. This is the largest financial market with estimated turnover of more than $3 trillion per day. A foreign exchange rate is the relationship between two different currencies. It can be the US dollar vs. another currency or two currencies not involving the US dollar, otherwise referred to as a cross (currency) rate. In any case, this relationship is determined by the amount of one currency need to buy or sell a single unit of another currency at any point in time. Nz Financial Fx Trader

Currency trading occurs in the foreign exchange market, which is considered the largest financial market in the world with estimated daily turnover of more than $3 trillion. The foreign exchange market is also referred to as the forex, fx and currency market. The relationship between two currencies is determines a foreign exchange rate. This I calculated by the amount of one currency needed o buy or sell one unit of another currency.

Forex trading takes place in the foreign exchange market, which is otherwise known as the forex or fx market. The forex market is the largest financial market in the world with estimates of daily average turnover exceeding $3 trillion. A foreign exchange rate is defined as the relationship between two currency pairs. What this means is the amount of one currency that it would take to buy or sell a single unit of another currency.

Currency trading takes place in the foreign exchange market, which is otherwise known as the forex or fx market. The forex market is the largest financial market in the world with estimates of daily average turnover exceeding $3 trillion. A foreign exchange rate is defined as the relationship between two currency pairs. What this means is the amount of one currency that it would take to buy or sell a single unit of another currency.

Currencies are quoted against one another and why they are referred to as currency pairs. For example, the EUR/USD is the EURO vs. the US Dollar, USD/JPY is the US Dollar vs. the Japanese Yen, USD/CAD is the US dollar vs. the Canadian dollar and so on. In the case of the EURO, British Pound, Australian Dollar and New Zealand dollar, they are quoted in terms of dollars per one currency. Most others are quoted in terms of currency per one dollar. For example, it currently rakes 1.4020 dollars to buy one euro (1.4020) and 1.0910 Canadian dollars to buy one US dollar. (1.0910). Forex or currency trading is a done via a foreign exchange transaction, which is the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling another (i.e. currency pair). Nz Financial Fx Trader

Prior to 1971, the foreign exchange market was made up of fixed currency relationships. The market changed dramatically that year when the Bretton Woods Accord ushered in a new era by ending the fixed currency relationships and allowing foreign exchange rates to float. While the market has evolved since that ground breaking accord, the floating rate system is still in effect in the foreign exchange market today.

Forex trading is a 24-hour, 5 day a week market. It starts each day in Wellington, New Zealand and then continues around the globe as each center joins in. The official close of the day is at the end of the business day in New York. The widespread use of electronic trading makes it a smooth transition from one day to the next as the market trades on a continuous basis.

Forex trading was once controlled by commercial, central and investment banks. It has evolved over the years as other players have joined in to take on a greater role. These include hedge funds, fund managers, multi-national firms, private investors and retail traders. The growth of the internet and electronic platforms have seen forex trading evolve so that traders can follow the market around the clock and trade online from any location where there is online access.

Retail currency traders have been attracted to forex trading by a number of factors. These include the ability to trade 24 hours per day 5 days per week, the high level of liquidity available in the foreign exchange market, tight bid-offered spreads, the opportunity to trade in both up (bull) and down (bear) markets, high leverage (low margin requirements) and general volatility in the forex market. Nz Financial Fx Trader

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