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Some Important Tips on Choosing Your Forex Broker

As we all know Forex is a fast moving, high on liquidity and an extremely volatile market where split-second timing can make all of the difference between profit and loss. The forex trading market is fast becoming the biggest global financial market, and online currency trading is now one of the fastest growing investments. Everyone – big o small investor is waking up to currency trading.

And with internet revolution, there is no dearth of information on forex trading and online currency trading. But finding the best forex trader can be a difficult decision especially if your own knowledge on the subject is limited and don’t know where to look.

There are mainly two types of brokers: one type is an Electronic Communication Network, also referred to as ECN and another Market-Maker.

We will share some basic considerations as you go about choosing an online forex broker.

Spread Amount: It is calculated in pips. Spread is the difference between how much you can buy or sell a currency at given point in time. Some forex brokers have variable spread; while other may have two spread amounts depending on day and night. For some spread depends to the position of market. When market is quiet the spread is small and when market is busy the spread is high. Most sensible potential investors would opt for forex brokers that have fixed spread, because it is safer.

Execution: Find out how fast the broker’s order execution is and if they offer automated execution. Find out if you can trade before having to request a quote and if they trade against their clients. And the best way to find all these facts is by opening a demo account and taking a test drive.

Leverage Options: While choosing an online forex broker, considers their leverage. There are brokerages that offer a flexible trading margin which allows you to choose the leverage that’s most suitable for you.

Account Types Find out if the forex broker you register with has mini account or not. Mini account is for people with limited investment capital.

Trading Platform: Find out if the software used by your broker shows live prices that you can actually trade at, not just indicative quotes. One-Cancels-Other orders are another feature that comes in handy as you can set up your trade and then leave the software to take it forward.

Find out if they have the necessary tools and is their support system live 24 hours. The size of your broker is also very important. A big profitable broker with a wide customer base is far less likely to go bankrupt than a new broker just starting out.

Remember that its not a bid job these days for anyone to put up a web site and call themselves an expert FX broker. What you require to do is use due diligence before trusting your money to strangers.

What is worth remembering is that if your broker offers guaranteed transactions and is a member of any recognized exchanges, you are dealing with a broker who will treat you fairly and is more likely to be around for a good time to come.

Enhance Your Trading With Ava Forex Broker

In the past few years’ forex market has developed so much and is considered to be the largest financial market all over the world with highest liquidity. With the advent of technology various companies have released their brokerage services online so that traders and investors can get better opportunities without wasting their time and energy. There are a large number of companies engaged in providing brokerage services and Ava Forex broker is one of them. It has revolutionized whole brokerage market through meeting the demands of foreign currency as and when needed by all the traders. It believes in availing better services to satisfy all the traders. It was established in 2006 with it’s headquarter located at British Virgins Islands and a European head office in Dublin-Ireland. This company is banked with Commerz Bank which is located at Frankfrut in Germany. It is advisable to start with a free demo account rather than going live because it will enhance your trading knowledge.

With the help of free demo or practice account one can learn the skills of trading as they avail immediate quotes which are usually seen on live trading charts. You might be thinking that opening an account with Ava Forex broker is a complex procedure but in reality it is quite easy. Opening an account in this company is just a matter of five minutes and then you can proceed further easily. $100 dollars is the minimum amount to open a live account. A person who is interested in trading business can learn the skills through an online forex trading course which is offered by this company. Forex strategies Ebooks can help you to understand the basic steps of trading business which cost $220 & $59 respectively and you can easily make the payment through depositing money in your account. Moreover you can also make payment via papal, credit card, wire transfers and several other options.

So it can be concluded from the above information that Ava Forex broker is the finest brokerage company in this World.

Forex Metatrader Broker

When you trade in forex online, you need a broker. A few years back you could easily select a broker for you, as there number was limited. With the advancement of internet and exponential growth in the forex traders, more people being traded in this field have seen noticeable growth tin the forex brokerage industry. You have around 25 forex brokers now who provide service to all need of all types of traders they take care of smallest to biggest forex traders.

Remember to exercise caution if you are planning to choose your broker from an online forex broker list. Owing to the highly competitive nature of this business, there are many scam lists which can lead you in the wrong direction and rob you of your hard earned cash.A broker is not required to have membership of multiple regulatory bodies as each of these bodies will help to protect against fraud and manipulative trade practices. A metatrader broker is a Forex broker that supplies the metatrader platform to an individual. Your metatrader broker will be the crutch that you can depend on when you find that your Forex robot just is not enough for you. Yes, the robot will make the process much easier than it would be if you just jumped in and tried to perform trades and exchanges yourself, but sometimes it just is not enough.

It is however important that the Best forex broker that you select is a member of at least one. Always check out the authenticity of the broker or company before making any sort of investment. It is important to take a detailed look into the success graph of the brokerage firm; never believe anybody who promises you millions in a few days. The best way to make money in the forex trade is by being consistent; this is the only lasting and sure-shot way to gain financial success.

What Is Forex Dealing Desk – Forex Broker Terms You Might Need to Know

What Is Forex Dealing Desk

When dealing with a Forex broker, you are introduced to a whole new trading jargon. Therefore, it seemed fitting to present to you a variety of Forex broker terms that you will need to know.

No Dealing Desk (NDD) Broker-This is a broker who does not have his own dealing desk. He instead outsources persons who would interact with the clients, providing them with price and liquidity information. These liquidity providers are the ones responsible for sending in all bids to the trading platform. The best bid is then presented to the client.

Forex ECN Broker-ECN stands for Electronics Communication Network. Therefore, an ECN broker is an Electronics Communication Network broker. All the trades are done in the name of this professional without the use of a dealing desk but rather via the use of a marketplace. This marketplace is flooded with market makers, banks, and traders who are making offers. This is a form of anonymous trading.

Market Maker-This is an individual that provides pricing and liquidity for currency pairs. This professional would then stand by waiting for the chance to buy or sell a currency at a specific price. A variety of strategies are used in order to provide traders with opportunities to make the most profit. What Is Forex Dealing Desk

Agency-A professional establishment that provides intermediary services to both buyers and sellers is known as this. This outfit employs agents who make commissions off any gains made. Sometimes a small commission is charged regardless of how the financial transaction turns out.

STP-This is the acronym for Straight Through Processing. It is simply a term to indicate that an entire trading transaction is fully automated. There may be a person overseeing the automated transaction system. However, there is no intermediary taking care of your trade you just made. It is all done using web-based or downloadable software.

Margin-This is the amount of equity contributed by a trader. It is a percentage of the current market value of securities which are held in a special account. What Is Forex Dealing Desk

PIP-This is the smallest unit of money that is used to accurately calculate Forex rates. This is a more precise determination of how much profit has been made or how much profit could be made.

Spread-Difference between the bid and ask price is referred to as this. This is another calculation of gain or loss as a transaction is made. It also is part of what is used to create statistical graphs and charts for a Forex broker to use as a guide.

Leverage-Market participants use this method of increasing potential gain of a Forex transaction made. It involves the use of various financial instruments (foreign currency in this case) or borrowed capital (usually money).

Lot-A pack of trading units that are sent to the market are often referred to as this. There are three different types-the micro (1,000 units), mini (10,000 units), and regular (100,000 units). This is done to help accommodate Forex broker accounts created by traders within varying budgets. What Is Forex Dealing Desk

Finding a Forex Trading Broker That Can Help You Make Profits in the Forex Market

Finding a Forex trading broker is not easy. That’s because there are lots of Forex brokers that can offer competitive deals and excellent platforms that can simplify your trading transactions.

Although there are many excellent Forex brokers that can help you succeed at the currency market, there are also some that are only interested in taking your money. These are fraudulent brokers and you should avoid them.

You should always expect therefore that finding the right broker is not as simple as choosing an email provider. You should carefully study the offers, terms, and value added features provided by a Forex trading broker. So here are some tips that could help you in finding a reputable and reliable Forex broker.

Find a Broker that Is Recognized by Regulatory Authorities

The Forex market is a highly deregulated market. It operates globally and is not subject to any national regulatory policies. However, there are countries that impose some regulations on Forex brokers.

For example, if you want to get a US-based broker, you should check if it is a registered Futures Commissions Merchant. This means the broker is recognized by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission of the United States. So dealing with such broker would be safe and you can expect professional services from it.

Find a Broker with Excellent Customer Services

A Forex broker should be able to provide excellent customer service. This will ensure that you can get proper support from your broker. Customer service excellence also means that the broker highly values you as its client.

A broker therefore should have several channels of customer support and services. You should be able to contact the firm through telephone, email, and live CSR help. In fact, some of the best brokers will call you at your workplace or at home to appraise you about the situation of your trades.

You can check the reliability of a broker’s customer service by calling or sending support ticket. A broker should promptly respond to your query within 24 hours and should be able to answer your questions. If you think that the customer service of a broker is not good enough, you better find other brokers that can provide better support.

Find a Broker with an Easy to Use Platform

A Forex platform is your primary tool when you trade currencies. This should be provided to you for free. You must choose a Forex broker that has an easy to use and flexible Forex trading platform. If the platform is easy to use, you will not find it difficult to trade at the market.

It is best if the broker can provide downloadable as well as web-based platform. You also need to select a broker that will allow unlimited use of their Forex platform even if you still do not have funds in your account. This way, you can extensively practice on your platform so you can sharpen your Forex trading skills.

You need to carefully select a trading broker because it can provide big help for you. You have to ensure that you will open a Forex account with a broker that has excellent and reliable services.