Tag Archives: Market

China Emerges as Worlds Fastest-Growing Automotive MEMS Market

Driven by the aggressive implementation of vehicle safety and pollution mandates, China has emerged as the world’s fastest-growing country for sales of automotive microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), according to a new IHS iSuppli Automotive MEMS Market Brief from information and analysis provider IHS.

China’s automotive MEMS market is expected to expand to $387.9 million in 2015, up from $194.3 million in 2010. This equates to a five-year compound annual growth rate of 14.8 % significantly higher than the worldwide average of 9%. “MEMS are a key enabling technology to improve the safety and reduce carbon emissions in motor vehicles,” commented Richard Dixon, senior analyst for MEMS and sensors at IHS. “With China’s car sales booming and its sensor usage soaring, the country’s automotive MEMS market is set for world-leading growth through the year 2015.”

Car market gets back in gear
The expansion of the global automotive MEMS market is being fueled by a revived passenger vehicle industry, which is projected to rebound from the economic slump. Production of passenger cars for the Chinese market is set to increase to 22.2 million units in 2015, up from 16.3 million in 2010.

Overall, China will remain the world’s third biggest user of automotive MEMS sensors during the five-year period, ahead of Japan and a collection of countries under the designation “Rest of the World.” North America will continue to lead the space, followed by Europe. Global automotive MEMS revenue is forecast to hit $2.9 billion in 2015, up more than 50 % from $1.9 billion in 2010.

Currently the largest automotive MEMS applications in terms of unit shipments are airbags, followed by silicon MEMS manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensors needed for engine management. However, TPMS will outpace airbags in 2015.

One other application, electronic stability control to help prevent skidding in vehicles, is currently underpenetrated in China and will remain so unless there is a government mandate. Official government recommendations have set a national standard in China for TPMS, which should have come into effect during July but will ramp up in mid-2012. China is adopting TPMS ahead of Japan with an eye to the practical benefits that can be derived: The feature in vehicles not only saves lives but affects the environment, as correct tire pressure results in better mileage and less carbon emissions. China’s prominent role in implementing TPMS for its vehicles will accelerate the global TPMS market to a fitment rate of 73 % by 2015.

By next year, more high-end vehicle models in China will be equipped with TPMS ahead of other mandates, such as adaptive front headlights, brake assist and adaptive cruise control, IHS research indicates.

Understanding The Foreign Exchange Market

With the world increasingly becoming a global village, more and more people are travelling and doing business in different parts of the world. Under such circumstances, it is crucial that you have a local currency of the country you are visiting to aid in your travel. Traditionally, travelers have been buying and selling currencies to aid in their travel and business through banks. These banks set particular rates and sell currencies to those in need. However, during the late 1970s, this trend changed and traders began adopting what is now referred to as the foreign exchange market.

The foreign exchange market is also referred to as the currency or forex market. In simple terms, this is where currencies are traded. This is the largest market in the world with a turn over of 1.3 trillion dollars per day. What began as inter-bank exchange has now grown to the point where there is a floating exchange rate which is determined the demand and supply of a particular currency. Today, anyone with knowledge of how the financial markets work can take part in Foreign Exchange Trading.

The foreign exchange market is entirely dependent on supply and demand making it a highly volatile market. In addition, despite the fact that only a few major currencies are traded in the forex marketplace, the trading volume is extremely high. This is because every country is part of this market and has financial institutions and individual traders who trade in foreign exchange thus creating a high volume of currency for trade.

Today, you can trade in foreign exchange over the Internet from any location in the world. All you have to do is open your online forex account with the broker of your choice, deposit funds and start trading. The foreign exchange marketplace is open 24×7 making it possible to traders across the world. However, expert traders know that there are certain hours of the day when the market is at its peak. During these hours, there is a lot of volatility and certainly a lot of movements. These are known as the Power Hours and they usually coincide with the closing of the European trading sessions and the start of the US session. Also, the forex market has its cold zone where there is not much movement. This usually occurs when both the US and European sessions are closed while the Asian session is open.

The amount of profit that you can make in the foreign exchange market can be enormous if you make appropriate use of leverage. However, you should exercise caution not to overindulge in leverage without adequate training as this can quickly lead to your downfall.

Find Better Yields With Money Market Accounts

If you’re tired of earning next to nothing with your cash parked in a bank savings account, you should consider a money market account instead. Money market accounts almost always yield more than a savings account for several reasons, and are considered to be just as safe.


Money market accounts are insured by the FDIC. This is an agency within the federal government that operates completely independently, and reimburses you if the bank you have funds deposited in should fail. The FDIC came into existence during the Great Depression to restore public confidence in banks. Ever since its creation, not a single depositor has lost a single penny from a bank failure. The FDIC has always made good on its insurance promise. The FDIC pays depositors out of a special insurance fund, that is contributed to by the banks it insures, and from interest on its own portfolio of US Treasury securities.

Yield Correlates to Safety

The safer an investment is, the lower a yield it will offer. The way risk-reward is naturally structured is that in order to convince an investor to place his or her funds in a very risky investment, he will require a higher yield to be enticed to take on that risk. If the risk is very low, then the investor will not require a lot of convincing to invest in the proposition. However, just because an investment carries no risk at all, like money market accounts, that doesn’t mean the yield will be zero. The investor has to be offered something to place his or her funds in the deal.

Yield Correlates to Interest Rates

The biggest driver of money market yields, however, is interest rates. As interest rates rise, the yields on money market investments also rise. It has become costlier for the government to borrow money, which drives up Treasury yields. Corporations must raise the yields they pay on commercial paper to compete with other investments — such as bank savings accounts. The more interest a corporation must pay on a debt, the higher the risk that they may not be able to pay. That risk, again, is minimal. Nevertheless, it is a risk, so that boosts the yield.

Account Restrictions

There is a trade-off for enjoying the higher yields that money market accounts offer, but they are not at all significant. Many have a minimum balance requirement, which could be anywhere from $1,000 to $2,500. This contrasts with a regular bank passbook savings account, which can often be opened with just a few dollars. It’s important to note that this is an ongoing minimum balance requirement, not a minimum deposit requirement. A bank will often assess a fee if you fall below that minimum, so always be certain to check your balance before making a withdrawal.

Speaking of withdrawals, there are also restrictions placed on the number of withdrawals within any given statement cycle, usually around six. Generally speaking, these withdrawals can be automated or done via the telephone, and sometimes with a check.

Putting It All Together

There’s no better place to hunt down the highest money market rates than the internet. You can compare rates side by side in many cases. Bankrate.com lists average money market account rates, based on the amount you invest in the account. With the averages known, you’ll be able to find out if your bank is beating that average.

However, be careful. Don’t just go with the highest interest rate you find. Be sure the fund you choose has a long history. Make sure the bank offers the ability to write checks on the account. Having the equivalent of a cash account without the ability to draw from it easily will cause more problems than it’s worth.

How to Analyze Money Market Rates

A money market account combines the thrill of a short-term, high-yield investment with the security of a savings account, which often intrigues new investors. Much like a savings account, this type of account is accessible – meaning you can transfer money from your checking and savings accounts to it, and you can even write checks against this account. Yet it still offers higher interest – or money market rates – than a standard savings account. If you’re considering this investment tactic, you’ll want to be sure you comprehend the basics about rates on money market accounts:

Understand why money market accounts offer higher rates. This is because unlike with a savings account, the financial institution you’re partnering with is able to use your funds to invest in its own capital. Although you’re in a low-risk situation, the banks may wager your money in higher-risk gambits, such as federal securities and bonds. The bank owes you only the money market rates discussed on top of your initial investment, regardless of how much money it makes (or loses) in this time. Because you give the bank the chance to make money for itself with your money, in turn it pays favorable interest rates for this type of account.

Compare an array of rates from top banks. You’ll want to assess at least five banks’ rates to be sure you’re getting a competitive rate that accurately reflects the current market. Most sites offer calculators that can help you determine how much money you stand to make during the length of an agreement – typically about a year – given the current money market rates.

Know the money market rates are not the bottom line. In addition to figuring out the best annual yield (with compounded interest over time, if the length of term allows it) and how much money you’ll walk away with, there are other factors to compare. For example, some banks require a higher original deposit than others. Or you may need to sustain a certain minimal balance at all times. Some may have steeper fees if you need to cancel your account or if you accidentally withdraw more times than allowed per term (typically 3-6 per month). Start-up fees may simply be higher at some banks, negating the high money market rates offered. Look at the big picture and total costs before settling for what seems like the best money market account offer.

Best Street Market in Valbonne Area France

Valbonne has the most fantastic Provencal market which takes place on a Friday morning and is a focal point for the villages and its inhabitants. Then on the first Sunday of each month there is an antiques market which is well worth a visit.

The Friday market takes place right through this picturesque village. 12th centuryun spoiltfacades are the feature of this bustling lively village. There is a large parking area to the west of the village with a short walk across a new square, which also has some parking but it is often difficult to find a place. Even before you get to the end of the new square (going past the best fruit and vegetable shop I have ever seen, but they know how to charge!), the stalls begin before you go down the stairspast Cafe Latin, and before reaching the old village proper.

Once across the road into the ancient centre, you will find stalls littering the main drag andmanyof the tiny cobbledsidestreets which crisscross this old village. The main drag opens up into the central square, which is surrounded by half a dozenrestaurantsand cafe’s which are busy at all times of the year but especially the Friday market days.

One can find a wide range ofjewellery, much local produce with many seasonal items, ranging in fruit and vegetable terms from peaches, figs, grapes, walnuts, carrots, fennel, pate, bread, mirabelle plums, strawberries raspberries and mushrooms of many types depending on the season I have even seen truffles for sale in season.

Muchlocal produce is available, one often finds a wine producer and a purveyor of cheeses alongside ceramics and localglasswareand some other locally crafted items.The normal market offerings of clothing, footwear and sunglasses areinevitablywell covered, but there is also a knife maker, lines andtableclothsfor sale plus handcarved wooden items.

The village is a perfect way to set up your day. Awanderaround the market can take over an hour to doproperly, and then, with a thirst on board you can get acoffee, or something stronger such as apastisor a glass of rose and sit and watch the market life go on whilst you people watch or read a paper. There are severalnews agentsin the village, all stocking a good range ofEnglish speakingnewspapers.

Lunch is of course eminently possible, indeed some would say necessary. A visitor to this region willalmostinevitably be aware of the Provencal, indeed French reverence for lunch. PeterMaile,authorof “A Year In Provence” when asked to describe Provence on one word said “lunch”

On the first Sunday ofeachmonth, averydifferentmarkettakes place, the Antiques market. It ids a colourful affair withhundredsof stands, with an incredible array of items offered for sale, ranging from coins and oldjewelry through ceramics,glassware,furniture, in fact very little of interestanantique houndwill not be found here. This market, unlike the Friday weekly markets,continuesthroughout the day and isslightlyless frenetic than its weekly counterpart.

There is a hotel in the centre of the village which is quite quirky but can be very noisy in the evenings, especially in the summer so many people opt to stay in a private villa. These can be rented very easily and Valbonne is a brilliant springboard to visit other villages in the area or take a trip down to the beaches of Cannes or in winter to drive up the mountain for a days skiing.

Easily reached from Junction 42 or 44 of the A8 motorway and 20 minutes drive to Nice airport, this is a wonderful base to enjoy a visit to the area.