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China Market Entry Strategies – Bypassing 1st Tier Cities

The first decade of reform and opening up in China saw large multi-national companies pave the way with big investments in all aspects relevant to their industries. Famous quotes such as “the risk not to be in China is bigger than the risk to be in China” from Heinrich von Pierer, the CEO of the Siemens AG from 1995 to 2005, were typical of a time when large capital investments were deemed necessary to enter the Chinese market.

As average wages have increased and consumers possess more disposable income and are willing to spend their hard-earned wages on modern products, more small and medium sized companies from around the world have entered the Chinese market importing products ranging from French cosmetics to German paint, from Ukrainian Vodka to Malaysian fruit juice.

As recently as a decade ago, entering the Chinese market was synonymous with entering the Beijing, Shanghai, or possibly the Guangzhou markets. It meant understanding the potential of a few select regional markets, as only those markets were believed to be profitable. The result has been a massive increase in marketplace competition coupled with the increased sophistication of 1st tier city consumers. New advertising campaigns continue to attract legions of curious consumers and their willingness to try new products is high; however, brand and product loyalty for many product categories continues to remain low.

Market Entry Strategy in China

The breakneck speed of the development of consumer markets in 1st tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou has led to a dynamic saturation of these markets by a constantly changing abundance of similarly-perceived products coming from around the globe. The term “dynamic market saturation” has been used to describe the high turnover of products entering the 1st tier city markets, all chasing after the same consumers although the size of the market in terms of the number of consumers remains fairly stable.

The vastness of China and the sheer size of the population mean that opportunities still abound for companies interested in entering this market. However, regardless of the product category, a passive market entrance that relies on the sheer number of potential consumers in China to flock to any and all products is no longer enough. A strategic decision-making methodology is now essential for determining whether or not to take the plunge in China.

Research in 2nd Tier Cities

Bypassing the highly competitive 1st tier markets is a viable option for many companies and can offer numerous rewards; in fact, it should be seriously considered. A recently concluded market research study carried out by Labbrand focused on understanding the feasibility of a new vodka brand to enter the Chinese market by bypassing the 1st tier markets, and identifying areas of consumption which go beyond the competitive battlefields of the nightlife and entertainment venues of the 2nd tier markets. In short, the objective of the study was to understand which vodka products from the client’s portfolio are suitable for whom, and where they are most likely to be consumed.

The scope of the study included a semiotic analysis of baijiu (1.) codes, video ethnography, and qualitative consumer focus groups with regular drinkers of baijiu and other alcohol in Chengdu, Shenyang and Wuhan. The focus groups were organized in restaurants together with a meal in order to allow for a thorough product tasting. The following key points were addressed in the consumer market research:

* General understanding of spirits and consumption habits,

* Consumption occasions (specifically for hotels, restaurants and cafes),

* Vodka category understanding,

* Brand name test,

* Taste test ,

* Packaging design test.

The project was completed with a brand positioning and strategy workshop to develop a compatible positioning of the brand for China.

Semiotic Analysis

The semiotics phase consisted of identifying the positioning of different Baijiu brands, the main codes used in communication and an analysis of various bottle styles currently found in the market place. The semiotic analysis identified the key axis for positioning in China. For Baijiu brands, codes used in communication were positioned along an axis ranging from power and achievement to universalism, tradition and heritage to hedonism and stimulation. The bottle designs were classified from power and status to universalism, from classical to modern, as can be seen in the diagrams below.

Data Collection and Recommendations

The focus groups revealed that in comparison to their 1st tier city counterparts, knowledge of foreign alcohol was limited among small city consumers. Foreign alcohol types were not differentiated, for example many participants did not know the difference between vodka and wine. Perceptions regarding drinking occasions and behaviors also varied. Within Chinese liquors, consumers would often buy the most expensive baijiu to have a drink with their boss, but purchase an inexpensive liquor to enjoy with their friends. With regards to foreign alcohol, beer was considered to be a casual drink that could be enjoyed with friends over dinner, whereas wine, specifically red wine, was considered more sophisticated and romantic. Foreign hard alcohols were associated with clubbing and being cool and trendy.

The idea of having a glass of whisky for enjoyment was not present among respondents. Purchases of foreign alcohol were based mostly on promotion and availability, while the reasons given focused on wanting to be trendy or garner the admiration of peers.

Information from the video ethnography and consumer focus groups also helped refine the client’s understanding of the target consumer and how they can best be engaged. Further recommendations included key areas identified as requiring improvement, namely the product name and packaging. The semiotic analysis also offered clear findings regarding dominant and emerging packaging and bottle codes.

Labbrand also made several comparisons and recommendations regarding potential distribution channels of interest for or client. By focusing on consumption occasions and locations, new restaurant types currently not considered a priority by major foreign brands were identified as potentially viable for introduction of the clients Vodka brand. For example, a vodka brand could develop a partnership with a Western-style restaurant positioned mid-market managed by a Chinese single proprietor. Premium alcohol brands are unlikely to target this type of outlet, yet a lot of consumers could be reached through this restaurant channel.


There is a vast amount of information available regarding Chinese consumers; however, most of these studies often forget to mention that their research was limited to a few 1st tier cities and possibly some quantitative statistics provided by the statistics bureau of China. A major learning for our client was that their understanding of the Chinese market and the results from the research were unique and required them to re-evaluate their market entry strategy. 1st tier and 2nd tier consumers are very different. Product understanding, market exposure, needs and expectations will be different in different product categories. Only through a well-formulated brand strategy based on comprehensive market understanding can brands, large or small, domestic or foreign, hope to build brand equity to succeed in the long run in China.

(1.) Baijiu (c��e�’; pinyin: báijiC”), is a Chinese distilled alcoholic beverage. The name literally means “white liquor”

Aarkstore Enterprise CDN Growth And Market Share Shifts

CDN Growth and market share shifts: 2002 – 2006

This report offers a detailed historical to present day analysis of Content Delivery Network (CDN) services from 2002 through 2006, including market share shifts between CDNs, pricing, media player format share in 2006, market value for both retail and backhaul streaming media contracts and more.

  • A detailed analysis of gigabytes transferred pricing and market valuation models compared with 95th percentile pricing models, and why the latter has been the choice of the majority of UGV sites and networks in 2006

  • A site by site analysis of the emergence of Flash in content streaming in 2006, with analysis revealing a 21.9% share of the media player market compared to 50.8% for Windows Media and Real Networks at 9.3%

  • Bandwidth prices for streaming media (audio and video) have continued to decline over the past four years

  • The market value (a.k.a. commercial market value) for streaming media in the media and entertainment content segments has been growing at robust double-digit rates over the past four years

  • The market is worth an estimated $600 million in 2006, including direct bandwidth accounts that do not go through a CDN specialist for distribution (i.e. Yahoo, AOL and Real Networks)

  • Since 2002, the market has invested $1.65 billion dollars to deliver streaming media (that excludes storage, hosting, applications layering)

  • Table of Contents :

    Price per Gigabyte Transferred
    Retail Bandwidth Prices per Gigabyte Transferred: 2002 – 2005
    CDN Market Value: Retail Media and Entertainment Contracts
    CDN Market Value for Media and Entertainment Distribution: 2002 – 2005
    CDN Market Share: Video 2002 – 2005
    CDN Market Share Shifts: Streaming Video 2002 – 2005
    CDN Market Share: Audio 2002 – 2005
    CDN Historical Content Distribution Share: Internet Music Radio 2002 – 2005

    Commercial Market Value of CDN and Direct Bandwidth Services for Streaming Media and Entertainment between $66 and $90 Million in ’02
    Internet Radio: Bandwidth Services Analysis and Market Size
    Streaming Video: Entertainment Bandwidth Services Analysis and Market Size
    Streaming Video Distribution Made Up Close to 60% of Total Commercial Media Services Market Value in 2002
    Streaming Media Bandwidth Services: Commercial Market Value 2002
    Total Bandwidth Services Commercial Market Value: Internet Radio and Streaming Video
    Bandwidth Services Pricing: Audio and Video Segment Comparison Based on per Gigabyte Rate
    Bandwidth Services Market Dynamics and Trends: 2002 in Historical Perspective
    2002 was a Year of Pricing Model Maturation
    Established Brands and New Entrants Captured Streaming Video Distribution Market Share in 2002
    Summary Data Analysis: CDN Video Streams Delivered 2002
    CDN Streaming Video Market Share 2002: Entertainment and Media Content Categories
    Bandwidth Provider Ranking–Video Streams Delivered 2001 (“Free” and estimated “Pay” streams)
    Internet Radio Distribution Totaled 914.5 Million Aggregate Tuning Hours in 2002, 43.7% through Independent Carrier Contracts
    Internet Radio Distribution Market Share Analysis
    Internet Radio Bandwidth Services Market Share Ranking

    For more information, please visit :-

    Aarkstore Enterprise

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    Streaming Media Advertising 2003 – 2008: Spending Analysis by Avail, Brand and Content Category
    CDN 2006 – 2007: Market Size, Share, Metrics and Analytics

Advice For Those Who Are New To The Forex Market

Forex allows investors to trade several currency pairs. They do this by simultaneously selling and buying the pairs. The forex market is not centralized, but follows time zones, beginning in Sydney, moving to Tokyo, then London and finally New York. Thus, the market is available around the world 24 hours daily. The market is closed on weekends. Profit is made in this market by trading and the differences between the two currency prices.

The forex market was formed in the 70s and today has an average turnover of 3.2 trillion dollars daily. Participants in the market should know a few things about sales here. Forex trading is an investment and cannot be considered as traditional sources of income. In the past, the market was dominated by banks, including investment, commercial and central banks. As the market has developed, it now includes several multinational businesses, authorized dealers, global money managers, futures, international financial brokers and individual investors. There are many available platforms for trading forex, some are provided by big investment banks. It is important to understand the terminology used and to have a well planned strategy for trading. In addition, it is important to understand the types of analysis regarding current prices. The technical analysis differs from the fundamental analysis. Forex currently offers over fifty currencies, each representing a brand such as gold, gas or oil. To learn more, one needs to consult the Forex forums to see what those who have traded on the market for a long time have to offer as useful advice to the beginners in need of more information.

Currency rates fluctuate and are determined by supply and demand. External factors, including economic development often influence the market. International news can change the thinking of the market and impact the profit to be made, as it can any market. The external factors are often discussed in the Forex forums as well as in the media. Currencies that are most often traded include those from countries having low inflation, strong banks and stable governments. These include the US Dollar, British Pound, Japanese Yen and the Euro. As with other investments, currency trading offers the potential for both earnings and loss. Without good knowledge, an investor might lose all his or her money. However, tools help to lower the risk. Among these are the take profits, stop loss, OCD, and IF-Than. Orders for this market can be placed on the internet and are available to traders. These tools can be used with different tactics, which take into account technical factors including the principles of the Economy to help lower the risk of great losses when investing in the Forex market. Before starting to invest, take time to research the market to see if Forex investing is the right choice for you.

The Features of Market Umbrella

Originally the umbrella cover was used by merchants who sell products in the market. The look and style of the market umbrella is so appealing with colorful designs and fashion, people started using it on their home in the patio or garden. It is fashion to have one of them in your home in the garden where you can sit on the lounge chair to relax and for taking a nap. The period for which an umbrella will be durable depends squarely on the factor of usage. In case you prefer to use them on outdoors naturally it gets wear and tear easily by hot sun and heavy fall and you will have to change the canvas frequently. If you are using it indoors in the backyard then it becomes more durable and you can expect longstanding usage with single canvas.

Remember one thing while using patio umbrellas the sunlight will be protected by them only on certain parts of daylight and it may fall directly on you depending on the inclination of the angle. Do not believe on the words of advertisers who would say it offers you complete protection from sunlight. Unlike beach umbrella which has a single ruffle on the edges, patio umbrellas have small inclined angle between the pole on which it rests and the corner of the outer cover. This feature of the umbrella is meant for giving support on windy seasons.

The umbrella covers are available in all colors and ensure maximum visibility. Usually they use bright colors for the fabric to attract the customer on the crowd. You can choose any color of your choice like bright red, green or yellow for the canvas. The umbrellas sold on the market for home usage are made of neutral colors such as khaki and light yellow. While selecting the canvas ensure that is of good quality to withstand pressure against wind and rain. You need to have a sewing machine and few pins, and ripper at home for constructing umbrella.

Before beginning the process, remove the old awning from the umbrella. Wash the canvas which you purchased from the stores to remove any dust particles and impurities. Using seam ripper now cut down the seams of the old canopy from the umbrella. Now press the new canvas nicely for having flat look. Next pin the pieces above the new canvas. Further stitch the new canvas and the pieces together for getting good shade. Fix this new canvas on the pole of market umbrella for getting good shade.

Things To Do In- London Christmas Market

If you are planning to celebrate your Christmas vacation in London then visit London Christmas Market which considered as best Christmas market in the European cities. With magical lights lighting up the City of London and a bustling Christmas-time atmosphere, December is one of the best times to visit the UK capital. You won’t be short of something to do in London at any time of the year but at Christmas there is so much to enjoy. From food markets to open-air ice rinks, shows and pantos, shopping and Christmas Carols, a visit to London will soon find your buzzing with festive cheer.

Christmas isn’t Christmas without the shopping and whether you love it or hate it there is no getting away from it. Bustling and busy, London’s main shopping areas are beautifully lit-up and adorned with festive decorations for the Christmas season. So even if you hate the dreaded Christmas shopping it’s hard not to get into the festive spirit when you see the city all lit-up. It is possible to book guided Christmas Light tours that take you on a walk around the city to admire some of London’s famous architecture that has been specially lit up for the Christmas season.

Top London Christmas Markets

  • The Enchanted Christmas House
  • The Wine Gang Christmas
  • Hyde parks Serpentine
  • Christmas Brewery Tour
  • Southbank centre in London
  • Greenwich Christmas market

Nightlife in London

During London Christmas day you find remarkable street with lush light and glisten of Christmas trees. The whole city is fully decorated with light and other Christmas stuff. You can make best time at Bars, Discos, Pubs, Nightclubs and theatre. There some famous bars and Pubs that is:-

  • The Abbey Tavern
  • Acacia Hall
  • Babalou Bugbar
  • The George Tavern
  • Inc Bar

The capital of the UK is well connected with all Public transportation and having direct travel from all European and the UK cities. It is also popular due to the Eurostar train line which connects England with France with huge comfort ability. It is high-speed train line; regularly start from St. Pancras international station to Paris, Lille, Nice, Avignon and other European cities and Vice-versa. You can book online direct Tickets from all over the European countries. So book your London Christmas Market tickets and get Various Eurostar deals benefits.