Tag Archives: Market

New Report Ukraine Power Market Outlook to 2020 added by WorldMarketStudy

WorldMarketStudy announces it Will Carry GlobalData’s Ukraine Power Market Outlook to 2020 June reports in its store.


Browse complete report at

This report gives detailed information on the Ukraine power market and provides historical and forecast numbers for generation, capacity and consumption up to 2020. The research analyzes upcoming power projects, key import and export trends, regulatory frameworks and infrastructure for the market. This coupled with elaborate profiles of key market participants provides a comprehensive understanding of the market’s competitive scenario.


Statistics for installed capacity, power generation and consumption from 2000 to 2009, forecast forward 11 years to 2020
Break-up by technology, including thermal and hydro
Data on key current and upcoming projects
Information on grid interconnectivity,

Reasons to buy

Facilitate decision-making based on strong historic and forecast data
Develop strategies based on the latest regulatory events
Position yourself to gain the maximum advantage of the industry’s growth potential
Identify key partners and business developm

1 Table of contents
1.1 List of Tables
1.2 List of Figures

2 Introduction
2.1 GlobalData Report Guidance

3 Ukraine Power Market Analysis, 2000-2020
3.1 Ukraine Power Market, Demand and Consumption Scenario
3.2 Ukraine Power Market, Import and Export Scenario
3.3 Ukraine Power Market, Annual Power Consumption, 2000-2020
3.4 Ukraine Power Market, Cumulative Installed Capacity, 2000-2020
3.4.1 Cumulative Installed Capacity by Type of Power Plant: Percentage
3.4.2 Cumulative Installed Capacity: Total Value
3.4.3 Cumulative Thermal Installed Capacity, 2000-2020
3.4.4 Cumulative Hydro Installed Capacity, 2000-2020
3.4.5 Cumulative Nuclear Installed Capacity, 2000-2020
3.4.6 Cumulative Renewable Installed Capacity, 2000-2020
3.5 Ukraine Power Market, Annual Power Generation, 2000-2020
3.5.1 Annual Thermal Power Generation, 2000-2020
3.5.2 Annual Hydro Power Generation, 2000-2020
3.5.3 Annual Nuclear Power Generation, 2000-2020
3.5.4 Annual Renewable Power Generation, 2000-2020

4 Ukraine Power Market, Top Active and Upcoming Projects
4.1 Active Power Projects
4.1.1 Top 10 Thermal Power Projects
4.1.2 Top Hydro Power Projects
4.1.3 Top 10 Nuclear Commercial Reactors
4.1.4 Top 10 Renewable Power Projects
4.2 Upcoming Power Projects
4.2.1 Top Hydro Power Projects
4.2.2 Top Nuclear Commercial Reactors
4.2.3 Top Renewable Power Projects

5 Ukraine Power Market, Regulatory Structure
5.1 Ukraine Power Market, Regulatory Structure Overview
5.1.1 Ukraine Power Market, Market Liberalization
5.1.2 Ukraine Power Market, Energy Efficiency
5.1.3 Ukraine Power Market, the Law on Alternative Energy Sources
5.1.4 Ukraine Power Market, Feed-in Tariff Program/Green Tariff Law
5.1.5 Ukraine Power Market, Nuclear Policy

6 Ukraine Power Market, Infrastructure
6.1 Ukraine Power Market, Infrastructure Overview
6.1.1 Grid Interconnections
6.1.2 Future Development Plans
6.1.3 Distribution Overview

7 Ukraine Power Market, Competitive Landscape: Snapshot of the Top Five Power Companies
7.1 Ukraine Power Market, Market Share of the Major Power Companies
7.2 Key Company in the Ukraine Power Market, NNEGC Energoatom
7.2.1 NNEGC Energoatom, Company Overview
7.2.2 NNEGC Energoatom, Business Description
7.2.3 NNEGC Energoatom, SWOT Analysis
7.3 Key Company in the Ukraine Power Market, JSC Dniproenergo
7.3.1 JSC Dniproenergo, Company Overview
7.3.2 JSC Dniproenergo, Business Description
7.3.3 JSC Dniproenergo, SWOT Analysis
7.4 Key Company in the Ukraine Power Market, JSC Centrenergo
7.4.1 JSC Centrenergo, Company Overview
7.4.2 JSC Centrenergo, Business Description
7.4.3 JSC Centrenergo, SWOT Analysis
7.5 Key Company in the Ukraine Power Market, Zakhidenergo Joint Stock Co
7.5.1 Zakhidenergo Joint Stock Co, Company Overview
7.5.2 Zakhidenergo Joint Stock Co, Business Description
7.5.3 Zakhidenergo Joint Stock Co, SWOT Analysis
7.6 Key Company in the Ukraine Power Market, Ukrhydroenergo
7.6.1 Ukrhydroenergo, Company Overview

8 Appendix
8.1 About Power eTrack
8.2 Market Definitions
8.2.1 Power
8.2.2 Installed Capacity
8.2.3 Active Installed Capacity
8.2.4 Electricity Generation
8.2.5 Thermal Power
8.2.6 Hydro Power
8.2.7 Nuclear Power
8.2.8 Renewable Energy Resources
8.2.9 Generation Company
8.2.10 Electricity Consumption
8.2.11 Transmission Network
8.2.12 Interconnector
8.2.13 Transmission and Distribution Loss
8.3 Abbreviations
8.4 GlobalData’s Methodology
8.4.1 Coverage
8.4.2 Secondary Research
8.4.3 Primary Research
8.4.4 Expert Panel Validation
8.5 Contact Us
8.6 Disclaimer

1.1 List of Tables
Table 1: Ukraine Power Market, Breakdown of Electricity Consumption, by Sector (%), 2008
Table 2: Ukraine Power Market, Total Annual Imports and Exports (GWh), 2000-2008
Table 3: Ukraine Power Market, Annual Power Consumption (GWh), 2000-2020
Table 4: Ukraine Power Market, Cumulative Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Table 5: Ukraine Power Market, Cumulative Thermal Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Table 6: Ukraine Power Market, Cumulative Hydro Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Table 7: Ukraine Power Market, Cumulative Nuclear Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Table 8: Ukraine Power Market, Cumulative Renewable Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Table 9: Ukraine Power Market, Annual Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Table 10: Ukraine Power Market, Annual Thermal Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Table 11: Ukraine Power Market, Annual Hydro Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Table 12: Ukraine Power Market, Annual Nuclear Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Table 13: Ukraine Power Market, Annual Renewable Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Table 14: Ukraine Power Market, Top 10 Thermal Power Projects (MW), 2009
Table 15: Ukraine Power Market, Top Hydro Power Projects (MW), 2009
Table 16: Ukraine Power Market, Top 10 Nuclear Commercial Reactors (MW), 2009
Table 17: Ukraine Power Market, Top 10 Renewable Power Projects (MW), 2009
Table 18: Ukraine Power Market, Top Hydro Power Projects (MW)
Table 19: Ukraine Power Market, Top Nuclear Commercial Reactors (MW), 2009
Table 20: Ukraine Power Market, Top Renewable Power Projects (MW)
Table 21: Ukraine Power Market, Length of Transmission Network (km) by Voltage (kV), 2000-2020
Table 22: Ukraine Power Market, Length of Distribution Network (km), 2000-2008
Table 23: Ukraine Power Market, Installed Capacity Share of Major Power Companies (%), 2008
Table 24: NNEGC Energoatom, SWOT Analysis
Table 25: JSC Dniproenergo, SWOT Analysis
Table 26: JSC Centrenergo, SWOT Analysis
Table 27: Zakhidenergo Joint Stock Co, SWOT Analysis
Table 28: Abbreviations

1.2 List of Figures
Figure 1: Ukraine Power Market, Breakdown of Electricity Consumption, by Sector (%), 2008
Figure 2: Ukraine Power Market, Total Annual Imports and Exports (GWh), 2000-2008
Figure 3: Ukraine Power Market, Annual Power Consumption (GWh), 2000-2020
Figure 4: Ukraine Power Market, Cumulative Installed Capacity by Type of Power Plant (%), 2009
Figure 5: Ukraine Power Market, Cumulative Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Figure 6: Ukraine Power Market, Cumulative Thermal Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Figure 7: Ukraine Power Market, Cumulative Hydro Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Figure 8: Ukraine Power Market, Cumulative Nuclear Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Figure 9: Ukraine Power Market, Cumulative Renewable Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Figure 10: Ukraine Power Market, Annual Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Figure 11: Ukraine Power Market, Annual Thermal Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Figure 12: Ukraine Power Market, Annual Hydro Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Figure 13: Ukraine Power Market, Annual Nuclear Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Figure 14: Ukraine Power Market, Annual Renewable Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Figure 15: Ukraine Power Market, Installed Capacity Share of Major Power Companies (%), 2008
Figure 16: GlobalData Methodology, 2010

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Japan Forex Market Hours – Japanese Candlestick Patterns

Japan Forex Market Hours

Japanese candlestick charts are the most visually rewarding charts to use when trading the forex market. The clear depiction of price action that they provide is second to none. Japanese candles provide a different aspect to charting in that they allow you to see the force with which either the bulls or bears won for a given period of time. There are numerous forex candle patterns that you can use when trading price action in the forex market. Candlestick patterns are preferable to standard bar charts because they allow you to apply all Western technical analysis techniques used with bar charts and also provide a variety of their own forex candle patterns, not to mention they are just much easier to look at.

Candlestick charts are by far the most popular form of chart used today in the forex market. Using forex candle patterns to navigate the market is a great way to make sure you see all relevant reversal patterns as well as trend continuation patterns. The forex market is open 24 hours a day 6 days a week; this means there are many more price action setups to take advantage of than what other financial markets provide. Japanese candles work great in the forex market largely because there is almost always a trending market somewhere in the forex market. By using candlestick patterns in forex you can easily spot strongly trending markets and find great high probability setups into these trends. Forex candle patterns also allow you to spot market reversals at the earliest possible time. Japan Forex Market Hours

Forex candle patterns visually display the supply and demand situation for whatever currency pair you are looking at on any given time frame. This colorful visual representation of supply and demand makes price action analysis much easier and more relevant. By being able to quickly and clearly see the force with which the bears overcame the bulls or the force with which the bulls overcame the bears you will become a better price action analyst and the discretionary or “art” part of forex price action analysis will become much more accurate for you. This accuracy will spill over to your psychological mindset and make you a more calm and confident forex trader.

Japanese candlestick patterns are just as relevant to the forex market today as they were to the rice traders in Japan who invented candlestick charts back in the 18th century. Traders have been using these charts for hundreds of years to help predict future price movement, just as the rice traders in the 18th century obviously did not have any lagging indicators, you do not need them either. Price action trading via a stripped down and raw price chart combined with forex candle patterns is all you need to become a successful forex trader. Candlestick patterns in forex combined with price action analysis is all you need to develop a simple yet highly effective and profitable forex trading plan that will allow you to maintain clarity and objectivity while trading forex. Japan Forex Market Hours

China Foreign Exchange Trade System & National Interbank Fund – Forex Options Market Overview

China Foreign Exchange Trade System & National Interbank Fund

The forex options market started as an over-the-counter (OTC) financial vehicle for large banks, financial institutions and large international corporations to hedge against foreign currency exposure. Like the forex spot market, the forex options market is considered an “interbank” market. However, with the plethora of real-time financial data and forex option trading software available to most investors through the internet, today’s forex option market now includes an increasingly large number of individuals and corporations who are speculating and/or hedging foreign currency exposure via telephone or online forex trading platforms. China Foreign Exchange Trade System & National Interbank Fund

Forex option trading has emerged as an alternative investment vehicle for many traders and investors. As an investment tool, forex option trading provides both large and small investors with greater flexibility when determining the appropriate forex trading and hedging strategies to implement.

Most forex options trading is conducted via telephone as there are only a few forex brokers offering online forex option trading platforms.

Forex Option Defined – A forex option is a financial currency contract giving the forex option buyer the right, but not the obligation, to purchase or sell a specific forex spot contract (the underlying) at a specific price (the strike price) on or before a specific date (the expiration date). The amount the forex option buyer pays to the forex option seller for the forex option contract rights is called the forex option “premium.”

The Forex Option Buyer – The buyer, or holder, of a foreign currency option has the choice to either sell the foreign currency option contract prior to expiration, or he or she can choose to hold the foreign currency options contract until expiration and exercise his or her right to take a position in the underlying spot foreign currency. The act of exercising the foreign currency option and taking the subsequent underlying position in the foreign currency spot market is known as “assignment” or being “assigned” a spot position. China Foreign Exchange Trade System & National Interbank Fund

The only initial financial obligation of the foreign currency option buyer is to pay the premium to the seller up front when the foreign currency option is initially purchased. Once the premium is paid, the foreign currency option holder has no other financial obligation (no margin is required) until the foreign currency option is either offset or expires.

On the expiration date, the call buyer can exercise his or her right to buy the underlying foreign currency spot position at the foreign currency option’s strike price, and a put holder can exercise his or her right to sell the underlying foreign currency spot position at the foreign currency option’s strike price. Most foreign currency options are not exercised by the buyer, but instead are offset in the market before expiration.

Foreign currency options expires worthless if, at the time the foreign currency option expires, the strike price is “out-of-the-money.” In simplest terms, a foreign currency option is “out-of-the-money” if the underlying foreign currency spot price is lower than a foreign currency call option’s strike price, or the underlying foreign currency spot price is higher than a put option’s strike price. Once a foreign currency option has expired worthless, the foreign currency option contract itself expires and neither the buyer nor the seller have any further obligation to the other party.

The Forex Option Seller – The foreign currency option seller may also be called the “writer” or “grantor” of a foreign currency option contract. The seller of a foreign currency option is contractually obligated to take the opposite underlying foreign currency spot position if the buyer exercises his right. In return for the premium paid by the buyer, the seller assumes the risk of taking a possible adverse position at a later point in time in the foreign currency spot market. China Foreign Exchange Trade System & National Interbank Fund

New Report New Zealand Power Market Outlook to 2020 added by WorldMarketStudy

WorldMarketStudy announces it Will Carry GlobalData’s New Zealand Power Market Outlook to 2020 June reports in its store.


Browse complete report at


GlobalData’s report, “New Zealand Power Market Outlook to 2020”, gives detailed information on the New Zealand power market and provides historical and forecast numbers for generation, capacity and consumption up to 2020. The research analyzes upcoming power projects, key import and export trends, regulatory frameworks and infrastructure for the market. This coupled with elaborate profiles of key market participants provides a comprehensive understanding of the market’s competitive scenario. New Zealand’s electricity industry has transformed significantly in the last 20 years. The Electricity Corporation of New Zealand Ltd (ECNZ) was formed in 1987 as a state-owned enterprise to run a commercial and profitable business. ECNZ was the only provider of electricity in the country, including generation, transmission and retail. Electricity was distributed through local electricity supply authorities. Currently, there are five major power generating companies and a number of small independent generators and on-site co generators in New Zealand. During 2009, these five major companies contributed 94% of New Zealand’s total installed capacity. The companies include Meridian Energy, Contact Energy, Genesis Power, Mighty River Power, and TrustPower Limited.


Statistics for installed capacity, power generation and consumption from 2000 to 2009, forecast forward 11 years to 2020
Break-up by technology, including thermal, renewable and hydro
Data on key current and upcoming projects
Information on grid interconnectivity, distribution losses and power exports and imports
Policy and regulatory framework governing the market
Detailed analysis of top market participant, including market share analysis and SWOT analysis Key companies covered include Meridian Energy, Contact Energy, Genesis Power, Mighty River Power, and TrustPower Limited.
Data sourced from proprietary databases and primary interviews with key participants across the value chain

Reasons to buy

Facilitate decision-making based on strong historic and forecast data
Develop strategies based on the latest regulatory events
Position yourself to gain the maximum advantage of the industry’s growth potential
Identify key partners and business development avenues
Identify key strengths and weaknesses of important market participants
Respond to your competitors’ business structure, strategy and prospects

1 Table of contents
1.1 List of Tables
1.2 List of Figures

2 Introduction
2.1 GlobalData Report Guidance

3 New Zealand Power Market Analysis, 2000-2020
3.1 New Zealand Power Market Overview
3.2 New Zealand Power Market, Demand and Consumption Scenario
3.3 New Zealand Power Market, Import and Export Scenario
3.4 New Zealand Power Market, Annual Power Consumption, 2000-2020
3.5 New Zealand Power Market, Cumulative Installed Capacity, 2000-2020
3.5.1 Cumulative Installed Capacity by Type of Power Plant: Percentage
3.5.2 Cumulative Installed Capacity: Total Value
3.5.3 Cumulative Thermal Installed Capacity, 2000-2020
3.5.4 Cumulative Hydro Installed Capacity, 2000-2020
3.5.5 Cumulative Nuclear Installed Capacity, 2000-2020
3.5.6 Cumulative Renewable Installed Capacity, 2000-2020
3.6 New Zealand Power Market, Annual Power Generation, 2000-2020
3.6.1 Annual Thermal Power Generation, 2000-2020
3.6.2 Annual Hydro Power Generation, 2000-2020
3.6.3 Annual Renewable Power Generation, 2000-2020

4 New Zealand Power Market, Top Active and Upcoming Projects
4.1 Active Power Projects
4.1.1 Top 10 Thermal Power Projects
4.1.2 Top 10 Hydro Power Projects
4.1.3 Top 10 Renewable Power Projects
4.2 Upcoming Power Projects
4.2.1 Top Thermal Power Projects
4.2.2 Top Hydro Power Projects
4.2.3 Top Renewable Power Projects

5 New Zealand Power Market, Regulatory Structure
5.1 New Zealand Power Market, Regulatory Structure Overview
5.1.1 New Zealand Power Market, Renewable Energy Policies
5.1.2 New Zealand Power Market, Energy Efficiency Measures

6 New Zealand Power Market, Infrastructure
6.1 New Zealand Power Market, Infrastructure Overview
6.1.1 Grid Interconnection
6.1.2 Future Development Plans

7 New Zealand Power Market, Competitive Landscape: Snapshot of the Top Five Power Companies
7.1 New Zealand Power Market, Market Shares of the Major Power Companies by Cumulative Installed Capacity, 2009
7.2 Key Company in the New Zealand Power Market, Meridian Energy Limited
7.2.1 Meridian Energy Limited, Company Overview
7.2.2 Meridian Energy Limited, Business Description
7.2.3 Meridian Energy Limited, SWOT Analysis
7.3 Key Company in the New Zealand Power Market, Contact Energy Limited
7.3.1 Contact Energy Limited, Company Overview
7.3.2 Contact Energy Limited, Business Description
7.3.3 Contact Energy Limited, SWOT Analysis
7.4 Key Company in the New Zealand Power Market, Genesis Energy
7.4.1 Genesis Energy, Company Overview
7.4.2 Genesis Energy, Business Description
7.4.3 Genesis Energy, SWOT Analysis
7.5 Key Company in the New Zealand Power Market, Mighty River Power Limited (Mighty River)
7.5.1 Mighty River Power Limited (Mighty River), Company Overview
7.5.2 Mighty River Power Limited, Business Description
7.5.3 Mighty River Power Limited, SWOT Analysis
7.6 Key Company in the New Zealand Power Market, TrustPower Limited (Trust power)
7.6.1 TrustPower Limited (Trust power), Company Overview
7.6.2 TrustPower Limited, Business Description
7.6.3 TrustPower Limited, SWOT Analysis

8 Appendix
8.1 About Power eTrack
8.2 Market Definitions
8.2.1 Power
8.2.2 Installed Capacity
8.2.3 Active Installed Capacity
8.2.4 Electricity Generation
8.2.5 Thermal Power
8.2.6 Hydro Power
8.2.7 Nuclear Power
8.2.8 Renewable Energy Resources
8.2.9 Generation Company
8.2.10 Electricity Consumption
8.2.11 Transmission Network
8.2.12 Interconnector
8.2.13 Transmission and Distribution Loss
8.3 Abbreviations
8.4 GlobalData’s Methodology
8.4.1 Coverage
8.4.2 Secondary Research
8.4.3 Primary Research
8.4.4 Expert Panel Validation
8.5 Contact Us
8.6 Disclaimer

1.1 List of Tables
Table 1:New Zealand Power Market, Breakdown of Electricity Consumption, by Sector (%), 2009
Table 2: New Zealand Power Market, Annual Power Consumption (GWh), 2000-2020
Table 3: New Zealand Power Market, Cumulative Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Table 4: New Zealand Power Market, Cumulative Thermal Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Table 5: New Zealand Power Market, Cumulative Hydro Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Table 6:New Zealand Power Market, Cumulative Renewable Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Table 7: New Zealand Power Market, Annual Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Table 8: New Zealand Power Market, Annual Thermal Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Table 9: New Zealand Power Market, Annual Hydro Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Table 10: New Zealand Power Market, Annual Renewable Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Table 11: New Zealand Power Market, Top 10 Thermal Power Projects (MW), 2009
Table 12: New Zealand Power Market, Top 10 Hydro Power Projects (MW), 2009
Table 13: New Zealand Power Market, Top 10 Renewable Power Projects (MW), 2009
Table 14: New Zealand Power Market, Top Thermal Power Projects (MW)
Table 15: New Zealand Power Market, Top 10 Hydro Power Projects (MW)
Table 16: New Zealand Power Market, Top 10 Renewable Power Projects (MW)
Table 17: New Zealand Power Market, NZEECS Programs
Table 18: New Zealand Power Market, Length of Transmission Network by Voltage (Km), 2009
Table 19: New Zealand Power Market, Cumulative Installed Capacity Share of Major Power Companies (%), 2009
Table 20: Meridian Energy Limited, SWOT Analysis, 2010
Table 21: Contact Energy Limited, SWOT Analysis, 2010
Table 22: Genesis Energy, SWOT Analysis
Table 23: Mighty River Power Limited, SWOT Analysis, 2010
Table 24: TrustPower Limited, SWOT Analysis, 2010
Table 25: Abbreviations, 2010

1.2 List of Figures
Figure 1:New Zealand Power Market, Breakdown of Electricity Consumption, by Sector (%), 2009
Figure 2: New Zealand Power Market, Annual Power Consumption (GWh), 2000-2020
Figure 3: New Zealand Power Market, Cumulative Installed Capacity by Type of Power Plant (%), 2009
Figure 4: New Zealand Power Market, Cumulative Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Figure 5: New Zealand Power Market, Cumulative Thermal Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Figure 6: New Zealand Power Market, Cumulative Hydro Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Figure 7: New Zealand Power Market, Cumulative Renewable Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Figure 8: New Zealand Power Market, Annual Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Figure 9: New Zealand Power Market, Annual Thermal Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Figure 10: New Zealand Power Market, Annual Hydro Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Figure 11: New Zealand Power Market, Annual Renewable Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Figure 12: New Zealand Power Market, Cumulative Installed Capacity Share of Major Power Companies (%), 2009
Figure 13: GlobalData Methodology, 2010

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New Report Bulgaria Power Market Outlook to 2020 added by WorldMarketStudy

WorldMarketStudy announces it Will Carry GlobalData’s Bulgaria Power Market Outlook to 2020 June reports in its store.


Browse complete report at


GlobalData’s “Bulgaria Power Market Outloook to 2020” is a key power energy report offering. This report gives detailed information on the Bulgaria power market and provides historical and forecast numbers for generation, capacity and consumption up to 2020. The research analyzes upcoming power projects, key import and export trends, regulatory frameworks and infrastructure for the market. This coupled with elaborate profiles of key market participants provides a comprehensive understanding of the market’s competitive scenario.

The total electricity generated in Bulgaria was estimated at 38,981.5 GWh (Gigawatt hours) for 2009


Statistics for installed capacity, power generation and consumption from 2000 to 2009, forecast forward 11 years to 2020
Break-up by technology, including thermal,nuclear,renewable and hydro
Data on key current and upcoming projects
Information on grid interconnectivity, distribution losses and power exports and imports
Policy and regulatory framework governing the market
Detailed analysis of top market participant like Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD, E.ON Bulgaria including market share analysis and SWOT analysis
Data sourced from proprietary databases and primary interviews with key participants across the value chain

Reasons to buy

Facilitate decision-making based on strong historic and forecast data
Develop strategies based on the latest regulatory events
Position yourself to gain the maximum advantage of the industry’s growth potential
Identify key partners and business development avenues
Identify key strengths and weaknesses of important market participants
Respond to your competitors’ business structure, strategy and prospects

1 Table of contents
1.1 List of Tables
1.2 List of Figures

2 Introduction
2.1 GlobalData Report Guidance

3 Bulgaria Power Market Analysis, 2000-2020
3.1 Bulgaria Power Market, Demand and Consumption Scenario
3.2 Bulgaria Power Market, Import and Export Scenario
3.3 Bulgaria Power Market, Annual Power Consumption, 2000-2020
3.4 Bulgaria Power Market, Cumulative Installed Capacity, 2000-2020
3.4.1 Cumulative Installed Capacity by Type of Power Plant: Percentage
3.4.2 Cumulative Installed Capacity: Total Value
3.4.3 Cumulative Thermal Installed Capacity, 2000-2020
3.4.4 Cumulative Hydro Installed Capacity, 2000-2020
3.4.5 Cumulative Renewable Power Installed Capacity, 2000-2020
3.4.6 Cumulative Nuclear Installed Capacity, 2000-2020
3.5 Bulgaria Power Market, Total Annual Power Generation, 2000-2020
3.5.1 Bulgaria Power Market, Annual Thermal Power Generation, 2000-2020
3.5.2 Bulgaria Power Market, Annual Hydro Power Generation, 2000-2020
3.5.3 Bulgaria Power Market, Annual Renewable Power Generation, 2000-2020
3.5.4 Nuclear Power Generation, 2000-2020

4 Bulgaria Power Market, Top Active and Upcoming Projects
4.1 Active Power Projects
4.1.1 Top 10 Thermal Power Projects
4.1.2 Top Hydro Power Projects
4.1.3 Top Nuclear Power Projects
4.2 Upcoming Power Projects
4.2.1 Top 10 Thermal Power Projects
4.2.2 Top Hydro Power Projects
4.2.3 Top 10 Renewable Power Projects
4.2.4 Top Nuclear Power Projects

5 Bulgaria Power Market, Regulatory Structure
5.1 Bulgaria Power Market, Regulatory Structure Overview
5.2 Reforms Aim at Increasing Competition
5.3 Privatisation of the Bulgarian Electricity Sector
5.4 Bulgaria Power Market, Renewable Energy, Policies for the Future

6 Bulgaria Power Market, Infrastructure
6.1 Bulgaria Power Market, Infrastructure Overview
6.1.1 Grid Interconnection
6.2 Developments for Transmission Systems

7 Bulgaria Power Market, Competitive Landscape
7.1 Bulgaria Power Market, Market Share of Major Power Companies
7.2 Key Company in the Bulgarian Power Market, Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD
7.2.1 Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD, Company Overview
7.2.2 Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD, Business Description
7.2.3 Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD, SWOT Analysis
7.3 Key Companies in the Bulgarian Power Market, E.ON AG
7.3.1 Company Overview
7.3.2 E.ON AG, Business Description
7.3.3 E.ON AG, SWOT Analysis
7.4 Key Company in the Bulgarian Power Market, Enel SpA (Enel)
7.4.1 Enel SpA (Enel), Company Overview
7.4.2 Enel SpA (Enel), Business Description
7.4.3 Enel SpA (Enel), SWOT Analysis
7.5 Key Company in the Bulgarian Power Market, CEZ, a.s.
7.5.1 CEZ, a.s., Company Overview
7.5.2 CEZ, a.s., Business Description
7.5.3 CEZ, a.s., SWOT Analysis

8 Appendix
8.1 About Power eTrack
8.2 Market Definitions
8.2.1 Power
8.2.2 Installed capacity
8.2.3 Active installed capacity
8.2.4 Electricity generation
8.2.5 Thermal power
8.2.6 Hydro power
8.2.7 Nuclear power
8.2.8 Renewable energy resources
8.2.9 Generation company
8.2.10 Electricity consumption
8.2.11 Transmission network
8.2.12 Interconnector
8.2.13 Transmission and distribution loss
8.3 Abbreviations
8.4 GlobalData’s Methodology
8.4.1 Coverage
8.4.2 Secondary Research
8.4.3 Primary Research
8.4.4 Expert Panel Validation
8.5 Contact Us
8.6 Disclaimer

1.1 List of Tables
Table 1: Bulgaria Power Market, Breakdown of Electricity Consumption by Sector (%), 2009
Table 2: Bulgaria Power Market, Total Annual Imports and Exports (GWh), 2000-2009
Table 3: Bulgaria Power Market, Annual Power Consumption (GWh), 2000-2020
Table 4: Bulgaria Power Market, Cumulative Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Table 5: Bulgaria Power Market, Cumulative Thermal Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Table 6: Bulgaria Power Market, Cumulative Hydro Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Table 7: Bulgaria Power Market, Cumulative Renewable Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Table 8: Bulgaria Power Market, Cumulative Nuclear Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Table 9: Bulgaria Power Market, Total Annual Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Table 10: Bulgaria Power Market, Annual Thermal Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Table 11: Bulgaria Power Market, Annual Hydro Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Table 12: Bulgaria Power Market, Annual Renewable Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Table 13: Bulgaria Power Market, Nuclear Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Table 14: Bulgaria Power Market, Top 10 Thermal Power Projects (MW), 2009
Table 15: Bulgaria Power Market, Top Hydro Power Projects (MW), 2009
Table 16: Bulgaria Power Market, Nuclear Power Project (MW), 2009
Table 17: Bulgaria Power Market, Top 10 Upcoming Thermal Power Projects (MW), 2010
Table 18: Bulgaria Power Market, Top Upcoming Hydro Power Projects (MW), 2010
Table 19: Bulgaria Power Market, Top 10 Upcoming Renewable Power Projects (MW), 2010
Table 20: Bulgaria Power Market, Upcoming Nuclear Power Project (MW), 2009
Table 21: Bulgaria Power Market, Installed Capacity Share of Major Power Companies (%), 2009
Table 22: Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD, SWOT Analysis
Table 23: E.ON AG, SWOT Analysis
Table 24: Enel SpA (Enel), SWOT Analysis
Table 25: CEZ, a.s., SWOT Analysis
Table 26: Abbreviations

1.2 List of Figures
Figure 1: Bulgaria Power Market, Breakdown of Electricity Consumption, By Sector (%), 2008
Figure 2: Bulgaria Power Market, Total Annual Imports and Exports (GWh), 2000-2009
Figure 3: Bulgaria Power Market, Annual Power Consumption (GWh), 2000-2020
Figure 4: Bulgaria Power Market, Cumulative Installed Capacity by Type of Power Plant (%), 2009
Figure 5: Bulgaria Power Market, Cumulative Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Figure 6: Bulgaria Power Market, Cumulative Thermal Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Figure 7: Bulgaria Power Market, Cumulative Hydro Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Figure 8: Bulgaria Power Market, Cumulative Renewable Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Figure 9: Bulgaria Power Market, Cumulative Nuclear Installed Capacity (MW), 2000-2020
Figure 10: Bulgaria Power Market, Total Annual Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Figure 11: Bulgaria Power Market, Annual Thermal Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Figure 12: Bulgaria Power Market, Annual Hydro Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Figure 13: Bulgaria Power Market, Annual Renewable Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Figure 14: Bulgaria Power Market, Nuclear Power Generation (GWh), 2000-2020
Figure 15: Bulgaria Power Market, Installed Capacity Share of Major Power Companies (%), 2009
Figure 16: GlobalData Methodology

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