Processes Involved in Software Development Project

A software development process is a structure to be followed while developing a new software product. There are different types of process models having certain cycles or phases involving various kinds of activities.

Project Kick Off is defined as the initialization of a project. It is an initial plan or proposal describing the main functionality and procedure of a project. Project kick off also narrates the responsibility of the key members in a project, and also describes about the people who are in need of this project.In a nutshell, Project kick off is the method of producing a overall plan for a project at its initiation phase.

Requirement Gathering is usually the first part or segment of a software project. It is the initial stage of product development. In this stage, a thorough market analysis is performed in order to access the real demand of potential customers. Sales and marketing people are mainly involved in requirement gathering stage of a software project. Their analysis helps the developer to develop the software as per the current market demand.

Prototype Development is an important phase in a software development process. The developers first time develop the software as per their conceptual analysis and design with most likely material in this stage. Thus, a through evaluation of design, material, product structure is performed in this stage. Development is a very important stage of software process, where the software is being developed using agile methodology or traditional waterfall method. This step also consists of several sub steps. A traditional waterfall method is based on planning, where as agile methodology works on present feedback.

Software Testing is a pivotal step in any software development project. It determines the quality of software by several industry standard techniques. Software testing is a step to find out the existing bug in newly developed software. There are several testing methods are used named black box testing, white box testing, grey box testing and so on.

Production Roll Out is the next stage where the team of software developers works in full production deployment. In this phase, all of the conceptual designs are tested and modified or refined by implementing in a pilot project. During this phase, testing and other associated supportive activity also have an importance in order to validate the iterative cycles of production deployment.

Knowledge Transfer is another vital aspect of a software process. Knowledge transfer and training go hand by hand in a process. An assessment is needed to conduct among the key workers in a project ensuring their capability while undertaking a particular area of implementation in a software project. A training material is crafted under the guidance of the experts and approved after a through scrutiny. This quality training material is distributed to the key players in the project and the knowledge is transferred as per the project requirement in order to implement the knowledge in different modules of product development.

Post Deployment Software Support is another critical step in a software development process. It is almost essential to provide quality support for the newly implemented software and to trouble shoot the possible problems.

Altisnet follow all these steps with a scientific approach and with a technology driven manner. We are confident to provide you the best product development solution. We have created a dedicated development environment, Quality assurance environment, stage environment and production environment to maintain the industry standard in the software development process.