Tag Archives: Marketing

3 Marketing Basics that will propel your automotive dealership to the top of the list

If you own a car dealership regardless of whether it sells used or new vehicles you no doubt have a long list of responsibilities in front of you that you must deal with each day. Most of your time is probably spent making decisions in one of the following three categories, inventory, operations, and staffing. While each of these categories is important, you also must be prepared to deal with one more category that is often neglected since it does not immediately impact your businesses ability to run: marketing.

Just because marketing is not something that will impair your ability to open the dealerships door does not mean that it is something you can avoid. In fact, marketing may be the only key factor that will keep your business doors open long term since the effectiveness of your marketing campaign will determine how many customers you are able to attract and how many you will be able to retain. In fact, your marketing can be the difference between a dealership that rises to the top and one that fails. This is why it is important to know three main marketing basics that you can utilize when it comes to your dealership: analysis, planning, and tactics.

First off you need to make sure that you take full advantage of a complete knowledge of the three C’s of market analysis: customers, competitors, and company. When it comes to customers if you hope to keep them you have to pay attention to your current customers so that you can predict what future customers will want. You also need to look at competitors and how they attract customers, what works and what does not work can help you form a guideline off of which to test your future marketing ideas before you employ them.

Second, you need to be willing to devise a plan that clearly targets your customer base. In order to do this you need to devise a plan that is centered on your target demographic and sit down to brainstorm what you want from your marketing campaign before it gets started. When you have a clear view of what you want from your marketing plan you will be able to sit down and form a campaign that will bring new and old customers into your dealership on a regular basis.

Third, but not least, you need to focus on the tactics that you can choose to use to reach your goals and complete your plan. In order to do this you will need to look over your inventory and their current prices along with any promotions that you have running to accurately judge what you may be able to do in the future. By looking at how you can change your current marketing campaigns you can formulate your tactics so that your marketing campaign is effective at keeping your business ratios high.


Marketing refers to product and services promotion, moreover, analyzing and getting feedback from the consumers to develop the product or services according to the consumer’s needs. According to Macmillan Encyclopedia (2003) marketing is a process to develop the product or services according to the consumer needs. It involves getting information from valued consumers, analyze and take appropriate actions to make a product according to the consumer needs. And according to the marketing definition inCollins Dictionary of Business (2006), it strongly emphasize on the market research and getting the true reflection of consumer demands in the product and promoting it accordingly to achieve organization’s objectives.

Business promotion and brand marketing is recognized as backbone of a progressive business. Marketing starts from market analysis and ends with the finished good and its promotion. Marketing process always depends on the market research and consumer’s behavior which will ultimately provide the best formula to formulate a product or services. Therefore, the most critical business process is to develop marketing scheme as well as the marketing team. Moreover, organize resources to perfectly peruse the consumer’s needs with the consideration and appropriation of cultural differences in the society and consumer’s diverse behavior. However, marketing scheme and marketing team both are supposed to be well equipped with basic analytical and promotional elements to streamline the marketing tasks and to lineup the workforce to contribute its best to achieve the best results towards the progress of an organization. Therefore, business progress mostly depends on marketing scheme, marketing analysis and a product which clearly reflect the consumer needs.


The article is prepared by Troubletuning for understanding of marketing defination.

Viral Internet Marketing – Viral Internet Marketing Company

A viral Internet marketing company is a boon for those who are aiming at promoting their business through the Internet. The benefits that such a company can bring to your business are countless. Nowadays online businesses mostly depend on viral marketing firms as these are the simplest as well as the most time saving means to popularize their brand, at affordable costs as well. Promote your Business through Clever Marketing TacticsSince online advertising has become a powerful tool in today’s business world, a viral Internet marketing company can help you improve your web traffic with the use of sophisticated Internet advertising tools. Making use of various methods of online advertising, they prompt your potential customers to tell others about your products and services. By creating a buzz or gossip, most companies promote their products effectively. To make people pass it on, they promote certain media including flash players, videos, blogs, e-mails, e-books, etc., having affiliated links to your sites. Viral Marketing Companies Feature SEO ExpertsIn a professional viral marketing company, there will be experts who are skilled in promoting your sites and attain your goals, the way you desire. Blending various online advertising techniques, strategies and plans with your business goals, they will help your business gain more productivity as well as popularity. Irrespective of location your product information will reach thousands of Internet users with the help of cheap, easy information tools they utilize. Services that you can find in a viral Internet marketing company are:• Strategy planning• Target management analysis• Lead generation • Viral marketing research• Target market analysis• Viral tracking, reporting, measurement and analysis• Creative design and content• Distribution and managementViral marketing companies are most sought after, as Internet marketing is an influential means of advertising. With a viral Internet marketing company, you can ensure an exponential growth in your business.

A Business Directory Can be Effective Marketing Tool to Reach to Prospects

Getting listed in a reputed business directory, under a highly relevant classification, is one of the best marketing options for your business.

Paid advertisement solutions (pay per click, banner etc.) and organic search engine marketing is very important for a business to be successful over internet. It’s also important for a business to be listed in reputable business directories.

Though consumers search products or service on search engines, they esp. b2b buyers also use the business directory as a database to collect specific and detailed information of a business, compare products, analyze and evaluate product specifications and features.

Scope of a business directory: A general business directory list businesses from more than one industry. Every directory has its own object and scope. Below is given a general picture of sites that business directory can list:

Sites of manufacturer, distributor, marketer, sellers.
Sites of trade associations, educational institutions and training programs, business and economic news, events, etc.
Sites of service providers who provide business services like accounting, finance, human resources, management, marketing, etc.

Given below are some of the features a business directory offers that a business can benefit from-

Regular listing: Adding business is through comprehensive category structure is the main service a directory offers. Being listed a business can increase its online traffic. Major business directories can send very relevant traffic to a business.

Featured listing: Featured listing some directory also called it sponsored listing. If business is added as featured it is shown at the top of the category it is listed. The feature gives a listing opportunity to be noticed first when the category is visited. A sponsored listing will send more traffic than a basic listing.

Advertisement: Business directories also offer advertisement service like pay per click campaign, banner advertisement, news letter advertisement etc. Some directories also offer offline advertisement in their print news letter or magazine. A business can spread the word further taking advertisement service of business directories.

Market place: Many business directories also offer marketplace to buy or sell products or service. By taking part in the market place that a business directory offers a business can increase its sells.

Other features: Business directories also offer industry news, market research information, how to guide and other innovative services.

Indirect benefits a business directory can offer:

Most of the business directory offer search engine friendly listing. When a business website is added in a directory, it gets a link. The link from a business directory is one way and very much relevant. It is one of the editorial forms of link that a site can have. This type of editorial link from authority business directory helps to improve search engine ranking that will result in more traffic from search engines.

A business must consider a business directory important marketing tool to promote a business over internet along with its other online marketing and promotion campaign.

Different Online Marketing Strategies

Recently we have celebrated the silver anniversary of the “Commercial Internet”. In fact, it was 25 years since the first .com in the world. From its humble beginning in 1985, the Internet has grown to a large number of innovative “dot-com” companies. According to a report from the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (ITIF), there are about 80 million .coms and over 200 million websites today. The same report also states that U.S. e-commerce grew by more than 400 percent during last ten years.

Internet has unleashed entirely new business models, encouraged the creation of new products and services, changed the way consumers shop and businesses sell their products and services. Internet has enabled businesses to effectively advertise and market their products and services to customers across the world. This extraordinary development of internet has brought lot of benefits to consumers and businesses alike. In order to reap the rich haul of benefits and stay ahead in today’s competitive market, most of the companies are going for online marketing.

Strategies of online marketing
Online marketing, also known as Internet marketing, web marketing or e-marketing is a method that uses the Internet as a medium for marketing. Internet serves as an effective medium for targeting the global market. However, the efficiency of internet marketing depends on the type of marketing strategy you choose. The basic motive behind the adoption of an online marketing strategy is to increase traffic to your company’s website. Any legitimate online marketing strategy helps increase the number of quality leads and potential customers to your website. Some of the best online marketing strategies include:

Market analysis
The first step towards successful online marketing strategy involves a complete analysis of the market. Determining and following successful online marketing strategies require a considerable amount of study and preparation in addition to flair, enthusiasm and desire. The goal of market analysis is to find ideal opportunities in the market based on customer needs, market forces and financial and strategic considerations. You should audit the business environment extensively and analyze the feasibility, to better understand the business goals and key performance areas. A detailed market analysis helps you to achieve business objectives quickly, within the reach of your budget.

Custom campaign development
Customized online marketing strategy formulations are needed to assure the web presence of business to meet individual business requirements. A well-developed custom campaign plan helps you drive targeted customers to your site. Every business is different and you may need a unique strategy to excel in the market. Custom campaign development helps you to determine your business goals and then refine them and build the optimal applications. All your business requirements should be constantly monitored and a custom-fit campaign should be developed for your business requirements to get more revenue. Remember, custom campaign development can be complicated and if poorly implemented, it can affect your time, sales and overall efficiency.

Identifying key factors for success
Online marketing strategies vary from business to business and market to market. Careful analysis of your strengths and weaknesses is required before you go for Internet marketing. Successful application of an online marketing strategy helps to identify and optimize the key success factors. This is done through an unbiased analysis of the product relativity to the market, customers and areas that need improvement. You should be able to identify newer and more potent products and business markets.

Spot future opportunities
Rather than merely identifying today’s key success factors, the goal of a legitimate online marketing strategy should be to spot the future opportunities. It should consistently provide the number of quality leads and paying customers to your web site today and even in the future. Your online marketing strategies should be able to handle the present challenges of driving measurable short-term results while simultaneously keeping an eye on the future developments and opportunities.

Use email marketing
E-mail marketing can play a significant role in the growth of your business or organization. You can convert the previous visitors of your website into actual customers by keeping in touch with them by sending e-mail newsletters. Due to its comparative low cost, high ROI and focus on customer retention, it is considered as one of the best options.

Apart from the above mentioned strategies, there are many other strategies such as practicing good Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques, publishing articles and press releases, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, blogging and interacting with your visitors etc. You can seek the help of a professional and experienced Internet marketing firm to achieve business success.