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Forex Quotes For Website – Understanding Forex Trading

Forex Quotes For Website

The Foreign Exchange market, also referred to as the “Forex” or “FX” market, is the largest financial market in the world, with a daily average turnover of well over US $1 trillion – 30 times larger than the combined volume of all U.S. equity markets. The word FOREX is derived from the words FOReign EXchange.

Spot and Forward Foreign Exchange

Forex trading may be for spot or forward delivery. Spot transactions are generally undertaken for an actual exchange of currencies – delivery or settlement – for a value date two business days later.

Forward transactions involve a delivery date further in the future, sometimes as far as a year or more ahead. By buying or selling in the forward market, it is possible to protect the value of any anticipated flows of foreign currency, in terms of one’s own domestic currency, from exchange rate volatility. Forex Quotes For Website

Difference Between Foreign Currency and Foreign Exchange

Anyone who has traveled outside their country of residence would have had some exposure to both foreign currency and foreign exchange.

For example, if you live in the United States and travelled, lets say, to London, England you may have exchanged your home currency i.e. US $ for British Pounds. The British Pounds are referred to as a foreign currency and the act of exchanging your US $ for British Pounds is called foreign exchange.

The Foreign Exchange Market

Unlike some financial markets, the foreign exchange market has no single location as it is not dealt across a trading floor. Instead, trading is done via telephone and computer links between dealers in different trading centres and different countries.

The FX market is considered an Over The Counter (OTC) or ‘interbank’ market, as transactions are conducted between two counterparts over the telephone or via an electronic network. Trading is not centralized on an exchange, as it is with the stock and futures markets. Forex Quotes For Website

Understanding Investment Banking: Grasping the Language of Investment

Fixed interest investments

These are investments where the income is a fixed amount, at least for the time being. Usually the capital value is also fixed, although in some cases it can change, too. However, either income or capital are fixed and in many cases both.


These are investments in ordinary shares of companies, where both the income and the capital can vary up or down. They can be bought and sold on a stock exchange and they participate in profits (after any preference dividend is paid) and receive dividends, usually paid half yearly.

Shares have a par value – usually £1 or 50p – but this bears no relationship to their market value and can be ignored.

Fixed interest versus equities

All statistics show that in the long run, due to capital growth, equities beat fixed interest by a big margin, whereas fixed interest may not even beat inflation

Here is another comparison. If you invested £1,000 in 1973, 20 years later, in 1993, it would have grown to:

– building society (average) £43,000

– shares (FTSE 100) £297,000

Even after allowing for inflation, the equity investment would have risen to £56,000, whereas the building society would not have kept pace with inflation and would have fallen to £8,700.

Although the income on equities is less than on fixed interest to start with, it catches up and passes it in the long run. Over the past 30 years or so, income from equities has on average doubled every seven years

But to achieve the best returns on equities it is necessary to have flexibility in the timing of both buying and selling and an ability to remain invested for the long term say five years at least.


The more you have invested and the longer you can leave it alone, the more risk you can afford to take with some of it to achieve a higher reward. The most important thing is to recognise the existence of risk and to take appropriate steps.

Spread your investments over a number of different categories, having perhaps more than one investment in each category. Consider pooled investments such as unit trusts

In this connection, some advisers suggest that you should take into account your income from earnings (or from your pension if you are retired), which they capitalise and call your lifetime capital. The relative steadiness of this income can mean that you can take more risk with your investments.

Always look at the downside risk of each investment and decide whether you are happy with it. However, to achieve higher returns in the long run, you need to take some risk.

Shares have three opportunities/risks:

– the individual company,

– the market sector (such as stores, banks); and

– the overall market.

The volatility of individual shares has increased significantly in recent years and the potential to lose money is something like three times as great as 30 40 years ago. This applies in particular to shares in the FTSE 100 index (smaller companies are less volatile). In very recent times this increased volatility is due to the Internet linked companies.

Events in the lifecycle of shares

New issues

New shares sometimes come to the market as a result of de nationalisation and de mutualisation but any company coming to the market for the first time is a new issue. Application forms are printed in newspapers and are available on request. You fill in the form and send it off with a cheque.

You may not get all the shares you ask for. Some people apply for more than they expect to get. Stags are people who aim for a quick profit, applying for a large number of shares with the intention of selling them as soon as they are received.

There is no commission or stamp duty payable on new issues and the full amount may be payable in instalments.

Rights issues

This is where a company raises further capital by offering existing shareholders the right to apply for more shares. The price is usually set below the current market price so that the rights themselves have a market value.

Shareholders can decide whether to take up their rights, so investing more money in the company, or to sell them. Those taking no action usually have the rights sold for them.

There is a third way, called tail swallowing, which is particularly appropriate if your investment is in a PEP or ISA. If you wish to take up the rights but have insufficient cash in the account, you can sell enough rights to bring your cash available up to the amount required for the remaining rights.

Bonus issues

This is a misnomer: there is no bonus! A better term is scrip issues (or capitalisation issues) and it is where existing shares are subdivided into, say, two new shares, thus doubling the number of shares and halving their value. No new money passes, the action being taken usually because the share price has risen to a level which is considered too high for an effective market.

Scrip dividends

This is where companies offer shareholders the opportunity to take new shares instead of a cash dividend. It is a cheap way to invest more money in a company but it complicates capital gains tax calculations.

Share buy backs

A company sometimes buys back shares, usually because it has surplus cash which cannot be invested more profitably elsewhere. The effect should be an increase in the share price.

Take over bids

From time to time one company will attempt to take over another by offering an attractive price for the shares. It is worth waiting for a competitive offer, even if the directors recommend acceptance. Newspapers and investment magazines will comment on the offer.

If the buying company is successful it can force the purchase against reluctant sellers.

Receivership and liquidation

If a company fails to pay debts a lender of money to it can appoint a receiver to manage its affairs (or have one appointed by the creditors) or the company can be put into liquidation. In either case, it is unlikely that the equity shareholders will get much, if anything they are at the end of the queue.

Understanding Foreign Exchange and Online Trading Forex

For many people Forex trading or foreign exchange trading has become a real interesting area. They can either choose to practice this business as a part-time job or as a full-time job, either the traditional way or choosing online trading Forex. They can do it to earn some money or to earn a fortune. The possibilities as well as the benefits satisfy anyone.

If you are interested in online trading Forex, you need to get acquainted with its terms and history. The concept of Forex trading has come to represent a way of financial freedom for many persons. Forex trading deals with buying and selling different currencies of the world. Unlike the stock market, the Forex trading market is a much easier field to understand. The basic idea is that you invest a sum of money and in a short time, with small effort, manage to multiply it. Usually the transactions are made in pairs of currencies, like USD/EURO or USD/GBP.

As a new-comer in this area you should look at Forex trading as a risky business and realize that even though the effort you need to handle is not big, you still need to examine closely and learn some tricks in order better understand the principles that make Forex trading so profitable. It is wise to invest little amounts of money just in case you haven’t made the right moves. This way you avoid losing all your capital and give yourself the chance to try again. Learning from mistakes is more expensive, but it is too a good way to learn online trading Forex currencies also.

The best way to start Forex trading is to search a good broker who is able to give you the right guidance in what concerns this sort of transactions. If you don’t want to spend more than what you invest, you can also simply gather yourself the information about Forex trading. The risk involved in Forex trading can also be considerably reduced if you decide to use a trading system or a money management strategy. However, your profit might be bigger if you consider counseling as an investment.

In our days it is much easier to understand the Forex trading market because the web is at our service. Transactions can be made through the Internet right in front of your personal computer in a couple of minutes. Many different sites discuss online trading Forex currencies and give tips about how the exchange should be done. There are forums where one can ask questions and thousands of articles written on this topic. The web gives a helping hand and online trading Forex offers the opportunity to make a profitable choice when investing your money. You just have to want it.

One of the most important things about online Forex trading is that you can make as many transactions as you wish without giving any commissions. The online trading Forex market is the largest one in the world because of the everyday activity of people who want to invest. Online trading Forex is equal to buying and selling a currency from a certain country, using the currency of a different country.

It is very easy to practice online trading Forex and this is the reason why it is such a popular way to obtain an income with the help of the Internet. You can practice online trading Forex in your office, at home, in the park and even from another city or country. Even if most people that use the web to work with have to know a lot about marketing, selling or advertising, you don’t need to because you can succeed in a much easier manner. The main principle of Forex trading is to start buying when the price of the currency is low and sell when you notice an increase.

An advantage of online trading Forex currencies is that you don’t even have to be connected all day long. You don’t have to be in front of the computer all the time. All you have to do on the online trading Forex market is to make a good investment and check your account from time to time. A positive aspect regarding an online transaction of this type is that as soon as the value of the currency rises and reaches your desired selling price, the currency will be automatically sold for you.

Online trading Forex is a faster and easier way to make money with little effort. Your small investment can turn into a huge success in no time. Online trading Forex currencies allows anyone to have a permanent every day job and make an additional profit by using his PC and the internet.