Tips For a Spring Home Sale

In the colder months, as long as your plants are trimmed, and pathways are shoveled, it doesn’t matter if the lawn is mowed or gardens are weeded. Selling your home in the Spring poses a new set of challenges that we don’t see during the winter.

When potential buyers drive up and see a cluttered yard, a spotty lawn, or an untended garden, it forms an impression that they will carry with them as they tour through the rest of the house. A positive first impression goes a long way to increasing your chances of an offer. Use this list as a guide to getting your home in shape for a Spring sale.

Give your lawn the attention it deserves after a long cold winter. Apply a weed killer that contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to build it up a little. If you’re really motivated, take a soil sample to check the pH level. If the pH reads below 6.0 you can improve this by spreading lime on your lawn. If it is above 7.0, apply an acidifying agent such as gardener’s sulfur. When it’s time to cut your lawn, raise the blade to about 3 inches to reduce stress on grass and decrease the need for water.

Get out your pruners and trim overgrowth on shrubs and branches. Reduce the chance of mold by ensuring all plant material is kept at least one foot from your siding.

Get rid of the weeds now, before they really become a problem.

Mulch, Mulch, Mulch! This is the easiest, fastest, and cheapest way to make a garden shine instantly. Chipped mulches tend to last longer than the shredded versions, but the latter do look more stunning. Spread it on thick, stand back and prepare to “wow” potential buyers.

Clean up your edges. Define the borders of your gardens by edging them. Run a length of hose or tie a string between two sticks to get a straight line, and using a flat-ended spade, dig a little trough about four to six inches into the dirt. Voila – instant border without the cost.

Rev up the power washer. Power wash the porch, walkway, lawn furniture, eaves, siding, and windows. Stay away from soffit vents or other openings where moisture can cause damage. After washing your windows, double check them from inside the house when the sun is shining through. Sometimes you think they’re clean, only to discover they are filled with unsightly streaks when exposed to the afternoon sun.

Get out the paint can and short of repainting the whole porch or fence, at least touch up any tired or worn areas. Pay special attention to the front steps and entrance.

Invest in a fresh welcome mat to show off your entry.

Make your garden come alive by planting bright and colorful annuals. Perennials are great for long term planting, but for quick color, use vibrant geraniums, impatiens, marigolds and petunias. Place some hanging baskets at your entrance or a large container filled with greenery. They aren’t planted in your gardens, so you can take them with you when you move.

Find a shady area between two posts or trees and hang a hammock. Show potential buyers what a comfortable, relaxed place your home can be.

Create small zones or gathering areas around a focal point. If you have a fountain, or bird bath, place a couple of chairs nearby to give the impression of a seating area.

Finally, stand back and view your home from the road to see if you have a favorable first impression.

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