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Best Forex Broker Uk – Why You Need to Choose a Regulated Forex Broker

Best Forex Broker Uk

When it comes to selecting a Forex broker there are many criteria on which you can base your decision including the brokers trading platform, currency spreads and the levels of leverage available. These can make the decision as to which broker to choose difficult. However the most important factor in your selection process is to ensure that the broker you select is a regulated Forex broker. Best Forex Broker Uk

What it means to be a regulated Forex broker

Regulated Forex brokers have membership of a regulated financial authority. This requires that their company activities are monitored and that they adhere to a strict set of criteria set out by the regulatory body in order to run their business.

In order to become regulated a Currency Brokerage firm will need to meet and maintain a minimum set of requirements on an ongoing basis. These requirements include maintaining sufficient financial assets to ensure the continued operation of the company and also following strict operational standards and procedures as defined by the authority.

Part of this regulation requires them to maintain transparency in their financial documentation. They will also be required to submit detailed financial reports and can be fined or have their membership terminated if they fail to do so. Failure to comply with guidelines set out for this documentation can also lead to similar penalties.

Why you should look for a regulated Forex broker

Regulated Forex brokers have to adhere to a set of guidelines which are designed to help both protect and maintain a level of service to the client. They are also accountable for their actions to the authorities of which they are members.

A key point here is that client deposits are held separately from company funds. Regulation dictates that client deposits cannot be used to fund the broker’s operational activities which help to ensure the safety of your money. This also offers protection to the client in the event that the broker goes bankrupt as funds held in the client account cannot be used to pay back creditors.

Regulations also apply to areas such as the personal information held of clients, quality assurance standards maintained by the broker, monitoring of fraud and customer service and support. Best Forex Broker Uk

How to check that a Forex Broker is regulated

You can easily find out if a Forex Broker is regulated As a results of previous problems in the market place, most regulated Forex brokers will now detail their regulatory status on their website. They will also list any applicable membership of other financial authorities.

The actual body that a broker is regulated with by will vary on the country of jurisdiction of the Forex broker. Countries with dedicated regulatory agencies include the USA, UK, Euro zone, Japan, Australia and Switzerland.

Examples of regulatory authorities include the National Futures Association (NFA) or Commodity Futures Trading Commission or (CFTC) for US brokers, the Financial Services Authority (FSA) for UK based brokers and MiFID and CySEC for Euro zone brokers. You can check the full regulatory standards on the regulatory authorities’ website.

A broker is not required to have membership of multiple regulatory bodies as each of these bodies will help to protect against fraud and manipulative trade practices. It is however important that the broker that you select is a member of at least one.

So when you come to choosing your broker take time to make sure that your Forex broker is regulated. At the very least you will ensure you receive service based on a regulated set of standards and if the worst happens and your broker suffers financial difficulties, your deposited funds will be protected. Best Forex Broker Uk

Best Forex Trading Platform For Mac – How to Choose the Best One For You

Best Forex Trading Platform For Mac

When it comes to choosing the best Forex robot for you, the decision isn’t a simple one. There are a lot of less than great FX robots on the market so you need to be careful on how you choose one. Furthermore, some programs work in different settings than others so you need to make sure you choose a software which matches your broker, computer and so on.

Here are some tips on how to find the best Forex robot for you:

1. Choose a program with a money back guarantee – Better to be safe than sorry is my motto in life (although taking a risk every now and then is important). Before you go and spend money on a program, make sure your purchase is risk free. Many forex robots offer a money back guarantee. There’s no reason to choose one which doesn’t offer a refund option. Best Forex Trading Platform For Mac

2. Make sure you can install and run the program on your computer. Some Forex Robot programs only run on Windows operating system. If you’re a MAC user, you need to make sure you can run the program on your computer. There are ways to do so with most robots, but it doesn’t hurt to ask.

3. See that the software can work with your trading platform. Some Forex robots work only with the MT4 trading platform. You may work with it or may not. Naturally, if you don’t such a robot isn’t the one for you.

4. The currency pair – Some Forex robot programs specialize in a certain currency pair and not in others. If you have a special liking for one currency pair, just make sure that the program matches your preference. For me, it doesn’t matter. You can make money in any way, shape, or form, with any currency pair.

Above all, take your time and test the program you get until you’re sure you know how to operate it. Even if you take 2-3 weeks of testing, it’s worth it. Best Forex Trading Platform For Mac

Lowest Forex Spreads – How to Choose a Low Spread Forex Trading Platform

Lowest Forex Spreads

When you start your Forex trading you will find that the Forex brokers – online or conventional, do not ask for a commission for their service. But of course, they do not perform their operations for free. They make money by charging a “spread” from the investor. It is therefore very important to find out a low spread Forex trading platform.

The spread is the difference between the bid price and the ask price for the currency being traded. The broker adds this spread onto the price of the trade and keeps it as their fee for trading. So you can consider this as a hidden commission.

One good thing about the spread is you pay it when you buy and not when you sell. A trading of 4 pips vs. 5 pips makes a difference of 25% on your trading costs! This makes the point clear why you would need a low spread Forex trading platform.

The popular currency pairs like the EUR/USD or GBP/USD typically have the lowest spreads. Some brokers offer different spreads for different types of accounts. A low spread Forex trading platform may not offer good mini trading and may have higher spreads than a full contract account. Obviously the smaller the spread on currency pairs the better the conditions for you as investor and trader. Lowest Forex Spreads

You will find many online sites offering different platforms for Forex trading. Through these platforms you can actually buy or sell the Forex. You will have to identify a low spread Forex trading platform from them.

A good Forex trading platform shows live prices that you can actually trade at, and not indicative quotes. The low spread Forex trading platform should be fair and should let you know the actual prices so that you can have an idea of the spread.

While choosing the low spread Forex trading platform you wish to trade from the factors you should consider are:

Platform execution – This refers to how fast and consistent the execution of trades are.

Fractional trading – The low spread Forex trading platform allows the investors and traders to trade on a fractional basis. Instead of full lots “100,000 units” or “300,000 units”, it allows you to trade “163,345 units” or “325,911 units”. This is very helpful for traders risking certain percentage of their balance on each trade.

User friendly – The trading platform should be easy to use and understand. It should be reliable during fast moving markets. The platform should offer services like one click buying or selling, trading directly from a chart, supports mobile devices, trailing stops, etc. Lowest Forex Spreads

Investments Solutions Company: Choose to be Smart Investor

Generally no one needs any advice but as far as financial advice is concerned everybody would like to have some. This is because financial market is full of confusing investment options. Some with short-term benefits, some with long-term benefits, some with high return values and some with tax-saving options. In this kind of scenario decision making becomes highly difficult as which investment solution is appropriate. Now, if you are facing this kind of situation then a general advice to you is that opt for an Investments Solutions Company.

An investment solutions company is not just a company which is making profit and losses but it is a bunch of highly qualified finance professionals who take care of your profit and losses. These professionals advise regarding different saving and investment options along with various protection plans. These days every one wants to do a tax-efficient saving which is not at all a problem now. In fact, according to a report of thisismoney.co.uk, about 80% of people pay more tax than they need to and you can be in the rest 20% who don’t, by investing tax efficiently.

You can seek advices regarding tax-efficient saving through an investment solutions company. Most of the investment companies would advise you to opt for ISAs that are popular due to their flexibility and favourable tax status. You can invest up to 7,200 each year in individual savings accounts, tax free and with no capital gains tax to pay. It’s the smartest way to invest. You can also utilize various other tools like ISAs for investment like Maxi ISA, PEPS, lump sum investments, REITs, offset accounts, hedge funds, investment bonds, wrap accounts, national savings certificates, distribution bonds etc.

Hence, make investment plans, calculate how much you want to invest and how much you want as return and then choose an investments solutions company. You can get certain advices which could make your investment highly beneficial and you can become a really smart investor.